Sunday, November 8, 2015

Jem and the Holograms by Sephora: Review and Swatches!

Music has always been a big part of my life. Even when I was very very young. Case in point? Jem and the Holograms. I used to watch the 80s TV show with my mom and my sister. At the time? All I really cared about were the songs and the cool outfits....but years later I am still a massive Jem fan. Currently I am binge watching the complete series. Oh and I recently picked up some pieces from the Jem and the Holograms collection by Sephora. These days? Jem is on my mind an awful lot lately. From the outrageous hair to the incredible outfits and of course, the jaw-dropping makeup, this is one serious source of inspiration.

That is why I desperately wanted to share the Jem and the Holograms collection with you. My friend and I were hanging out when we discovered the line existed. Suddenly it was all hands on deck. We needed this makeup in our lives....stat! The Sephora site was totally sold out. I was searching frantically on eBay. My friend was calling around to stores. Finally she tracked down the makeup in a store about an hour away. The next day? My husband was driving me to go pick it up. You are probably wondering: was it worth all the trouble? In short? Yes. Yes. Yes. Each and every item exceeded my expectations.

What did we end up taking home? The Jem and the Holograms Truly Truly Outrageous Lipstick, the Liquid Lipstick set, and the Truly Outrageous Eyeshadow Palette. Take a look at the pictures below to get a better idea of the packaging, the colours, and the products.....

Truly Truly Outrageous Lipstick
This lipstick is the perfect representation of Jem. Why? That colour! It is effortlessly 80s....and super glam. Definitely worthy of a rock star. As you can see, the packaging is a fabulous bright pink. It definitely stands out in my makeup collection! The colour is bright, fun, and yes, truly outrageous. I absolutely love this lippie! 

Liquid Lipstick Set
Honestly? I don't own a ton of liquid lipsticks. Only a few. Not anymore! I picked up this liquid lipstick set from the collection and I absolutely adore it. The colours are so stunning. There is a nice variety of shades in this set (from sparkly to nude to bright pink and a super deep purple) and they go on exactly as pictured. They are incredible

Truly Outrageous Eyeshadow Palette 
It's true. I am a total eyeshadow fanatic. There is something about the beautiful colours....the endless possibilities....that I simply cannot get enough of. Which is why my favourite item from the collection is this eyeshadow palette. There is such a lovely range of shades. That bright pink is my personal favourite (see me wear it in the video below!) but there are also pretty blues, greens, and purples. Not to mention some gorgeous neutrals and seriously shimmer silvers. Love, love, love! 

Want to see the products in action? How about swatches? Then take a look at my latest YouTube video for Mansa Fashion. It is dedicated to this incredible collection!

Jem and the Holograms represents something very special in my childhood. Watching it now? I have fallen in love with the characters, the music, and the story all over again. No wonder I adore this makeup collection so much. The products are amazing, the quality is fabulous, and everything about it screams: Jem! Sephora really knocked one out of the park this time.

Have you tried anything from the Jem and the Holograms line?

xo Shannon


  1. That pink lipstick is gorgeous! I haven't tried this line yet.

  2. The pink lipstick ist amazing. Have a nice Day/Evening
    Kiss, cleo

  3. Oooh this is awesome! I was a huge Jem fan too and love the Jem inspired makeup you've done in the end! Wish this line was available in Sephora India but I have my serious doubts
    June Wants It All - Indian fashion and lifestyle blog

  4. Love the colors, those are gorgeous!!

    Feel free to visit me back :)

  5. oooo i do love those colours! :)

  6. obsessed with anything jem x

  7. Love the colors so much;)


    Mónica Sors



  8. Love the saturated colors! Fun look!
    Xo Annie

  9. Woow, that's so cool! Haven't heard of them until reading your blog, they're amazing!



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