Sunday, November 22, 2015

review: dior addict lipstick

Editing Note: Since Dior continues to support a court-certified wife beater, I no longer support the brand. Believe survivors. 

Every now and then it feels good to splurge. Some people like to spend a day at the spa or get a relaxing massage. Me? The answer is always makeup. A little while back I decided to try out a Dior lipstick. While I love Dior products in general, I rarely buy them. This is largely because of the price tag. There are simply other brands I could choose.....that will give me more bang for my buck. My Sephora trips are largely spent wandering the selection of NARS, Benefit, and Kat Von D products. Until my eyes fell onto the Dior Addict Lipstick collection. 

They. Were. Beautiful. Not just kind of pretty or sort of nice. Absolutely jaw-droppingly beautiful. Everything from the luxurious packaging to the swatches took my breath away. I had to have one. There were a few different shades to choose from but I wound up with Smile. It was warm and shimmery. But most importantly? It was wearable and versatile. That is exactly what I want from a high end item. The shade is a mid-toned pink and it has a subtle shimmer to it. Take a look....

As you can see from the picture above, the colour is absolutely fabulous. It is that perfect mid-toned pink. I knew that I loved the shade....but I was surprised by how much I loved this lipstick. The colour is like my-lips-but-better with tons of shine, gloss, and shimmer. It is like a lipgloss without all of the stickiness or that annoying tacky feeling. This goes on so smooth. The texture is creamy and rich. Think of it like the best tinted lip balm ever, basically! I absolutely love the way this lipstick feels on my lips, the colour payoff is wonderful, and the finish is superb. It leaves my lips looking plump, glossy, and downright gorgeous. I am completely obsessed.

 Since purchasing the Dior Addict Lipstick it has become a regular part of my life. I find myself reaching for it over and over again. It doesn't matter if I am running out to grab groceries or have a date night with my husband. This lippie comes in handy! Sometimes, splurge items are totally worth it. I am very happy that I chose to treat myself to something a little bit different.

Want to see it in action? Here is a recent makeup look I created. I used my NARSissist eyeshadow palette, my favourite Rimmel bronzer, and of course, my Dior Addict lipstick. 
Impressed? That would be putting it lightly. The Dior Addict lipstick has quickly become one of my all-time favourites. Why? Every time I put it on, I leave the house feeling like a million bucks. That is the power of makeup after all. It allows us to tap into our inner confidence....and take on the world in style.

What do you think of this shade? Have you tried any of the Dior Addict lipsticks?

xo Shannon


  1. This is a lovely color indeed and the purchase is totally worth it! It looks amazing on you!!
    June Wants It All - Indian fashion and lifestyle blog

  2. Where is your sweetshirt from, honey? It looks amazing!

  3. Great color, you look lovely and I love your floral top!

    The Flower Duet

  4. The color is gorgeous on you, and you are right, Dior lipsticks and products in general are stunning, one of my favorite brands for makeup :) xo

  5. SUCH a beautiful color! dior makes some bomb lipstick, for sure.

    if you get the chance, please take the time to check out mine and let me know what you think! maybe even follow? no pressure though!

    love, rach.
    <a href=">So, hi. </a>

  6. I love how you do your makeup very single
    That lipstick shade is so beautiful

  7. UAU, que batom lindo!

  8. This is a pretty shade but looks prettier on you <3

  9. I've heard only good reviews about this lipstick! love this color btw ;)

    the white ocean

  10. Wow that dress is so stunning!! I love that lipsptick shade! *-*
    HAve a lovely day!

  11. Lovely shades. I love Dior but I prefer the eyeshadows

  12. never got one but that is so pretty! will be definetly checking those dior shades from now on!
    and it looks amazing on you!

  13. wow, sounds like a good lipstick, the color is beautiful to and suites you well! ^_^

  14. ...I love dior addict lipstick...easy to wear and to apply, very confortable on my lips like a lip balm!!!!!!

  15. love this eye makeup! Let me know if you want to follow each other!


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