Thursday, November 26, 2015

YouTube: Jem and the Holograms - Daytime/Dramatic Makeup Tutorial

Out of all the makeup I have bought or received in the last while, the best has to be the Jem and the Holograms collection. You might remember my post from a few weeks back. It was dedicated to swatches and reviews of the products. (Pictured above.) The truth? The more I use the products...the more I love them. Seriously. Despite the many looks I have created, the eyeshadows and lipsticks continue to inspire me. The versatility, quality, and the pigmentation makes my heart beast faster. Which is why instead of simply doing a review of the Jem and the Holograms collection by Sephora, I decided to make a two part video series on my YouTube channel. 

The second part is a makeup tutorial. It features a daytime look and a classic Jem look as well. (Because you can't buy 80s inspired makeup without doing an 80s inspired makeup look!) Actually, my friend suggested I make this video. Daytime vs. Dramatic. The moment she suggested it? I knew exactly how I wanted both looks to turn out. So today I will be showing you what I created using the Jem and the Holograms collection. 

Daytime Look: Let's start with the daytime look. At first glance you probably wouldn't think you could create something pretty - and natural - with the Jem and the Holograms collection. Wrong! As I mentioned previously, this is an extremely versatile collection. On the eyes, I used the soft shimmery shades then deepened the crease slightly. Then I added a bit of polish with the shimmery nude shade from the liquid lipstick set. Simple, quick, and totally gorgeous.

Dramatic Look: Now for a bit of drama. This look was definitely different for me. I rarely attempt ultra over the top costume makeup. Despite that, I think this turned out pretty well! I used a picture of Jem from the DVD box and did my own interpretation. For the eyes, I used an awful lot of the shade Jerrica and tons of that shimmery silver. That contrasted the bold pink in a fun and fabulously 80s way. Then I used the Jem lipstick to finish it all off. 

Want to get a closer look at how these came together? Take a look at Mansa Fashion. YouTube channel. My latest video is a step by step daytime/dramatic look tutorial.

When it comes to makeup? Music? TV? Jem and the Holograms has a special place in my heart. So, I really hope you guys enjoyed this two part series. It was definitely a lot of fun to film. In the weeks and months to come, I will continue to use these amazing products. Why? I love them!

Let me know what you think of these makeup looks! And be sure to like, comment, and subscribe to my YouTube channel if you get the chance.

xo Shannon


  1. Wow..what a versatile palette. You are rocking that dramatic look!

  2. You're great with make-up, love the looks ;)

    The Flower Duet

  3. Nice post =)

  4. Love the dramatic look!! :D

    Enter my giveaway!!

  5. Hi,
    Lovely post, do check my new post and pls do click on link mentioned in the post

  6. Wonderful post! I love it:)

  7. Wow, that looks so great.


  8. Lovely post! I am new follower and hope you can follow me too) xx

  9. Such an amazing look! You are really talented :)


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