Sunday, December 13, 2015

home is where your makeup stash is.

It was early in the morning when we got in line. My friend, her mom, and I stood waiting to get into the annual Woman's Show. They had been before. Me? This was my first time. Not knowing quite what to expect I was a little unsure of what the day would bring. But it ended up being a total blast. We got massive goodie bags when we walked in (full of samples and free products) and got to check out tons and tons of vendors. Some gave out additional products, samples, and food. Others? Offered fabulously discounted prices on beauty and lifestyle items. It was something we did our best to take advantage of. Not only did I pick up some birthday and Christmas presents.....but I even picked up a gorgeous face palette. 

The glowette palette from Glow Essentials was on sale for $20. Definitely a great price. Inside? There were six large powder products. The first was white, the second was yellow toned, and the third a deep strawberry blush shade. On the second row there was a medium peach powder, a deep bronzer, and a raspberry toned blush shade. You can take a peek at the face palette below:

There is no doubt about it. This palette covers an awful lot of ground. It gives you a matte highlight (that white shade is great for this!) along with tinted powders to provide coverage (the yellow toned one is great for under eyes and the peach is fabulous as an all over face powder). Then there is the bronzer. It is fairly dark - especially for my ultra fair skin. So its use as a bronzer for me is pretty limited. However it works wonderfully as a bronzey blush. Even though the colour is quite dark it applies very naturally on the cheeks. As for the blush shades? They are stunning. Quite frankly, they are the reason I decided to pick up this face palette. The colours are absolutely beautiful! 

The texture of the powders is phenomenal. Each one is very smooth and soft. I love that. Another thing I love? The amount of product they give you. Each circle is large enough to fit even the fluffiest blush brush. That is always helpful. There is nothing worse than trying to squeeze your brush into a super small pan. (Been there, done that!) As for the pigmentation, it is quite good. Not the best I have ever used but certainly not the worst. It met my expectations and then some. 

When I want to add a little extra polish to my makeup look? I reach for this palette. It is versatile, convenient, and easy to use. And those blush shades! Love. Take a peek at the makeup look I created using that lighter blush shade, the white powder, yellow powder, and peach powder.

Going to the Woman's Show was an awful lot of fun. Trying out this face palette from Glow Essentials? Just as fun. It is something I have been using fairly regularly over the last few months. It has really taken my makeup looks to a whole new level. 

Do you own any face palettes? Which one is your favourite?

xo Shannon


  1. hi dear! this palettes is very beautiful! thanks for the notice!

  2. I love the makeup look you have very beautiful!

  3. Yeah, I think it's really good sale :) and great palette! I want that too, You look amazing :)


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I love the colors in this palette so warm and sunny perfect facial winter now without the golden colors of tanning.

  6. Wow, this palette is so nice! Your make-up looks incredible!

  7. I absolutely adore this! Hope you have a lovely day.

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  8. it's so great you had fun and tons of goodies! the palette looks great and your make up looks even better!

    Inside and Outside Blog
    P.S. I’m hosting great glasses giveaway here check it out!

  9. Adore this make-up style, you look wonderful : )

  10. Gorgeous make-up. You are so good in that, my dear +_+

    Kisses & Happy Holidays,



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