Saturday, December 5, 2015

i came. i saw. i contoured.

There is no shortage of highlight and contour kits. These days they are as common as a jet black liquid liner! Thanks to fashionable celebrities, popular YouTube channels, and a booming makeup is possible to achieve a red carpet look at home. Over the last couple of years? I have tried more than my fair share of highlighting and contouring products. Some in kits and some sold individually. Many of the products became favourites of mine. A few? Failed to deliver. Despite the many face products I have in my collection - a new contour and highlighting kit has made its way into my life. In my defense - it was a great price! I actually found this kit at Winners for about $12.

It is the bellapierre cosmetics Contouring and Highlighting Kit. This mineral makeup kit includes two contouring shades, two highlighting shades, and one kabuki brush. Lately I have been using this on special nights out. Like date nights and evenings with my BFF. It just takes my makeup look to another level. Not only does contouring and highlighting give my face definition but it adds a subtle hint of drama to any makeup look I pair with it. On a day to day basis? I don't find myself using this kit. Largely because of the mineral formula. It works incredibly well (and is ultra pigmented) but it can be a bit messy and tricky to use. Especially when you are in a rush. So, I have been reaching for this kit more for special events than day to day.

The kit itself is pretty impressive. The mineral shades are all matte which I love. That makes the contour and highlight look very natural. So many kits I have seen have a subtle shimmer in the products. That? Isn't always a good thing. Particularly when it comes to your contour shades. Something else I really enjoy? The pigmentation. A little goes a long way. What I like to do? Use a clean foundation brush to pick up the product. While I love the kabuki brush because of its soft bristles, it isn't great for application. In terms of blending? It is top notch. But you will need another brush to apply the actual products effectively.

As you can see from the photo above....there are four different shades. Two are contour and two are highlight. This adds a lot of versatility to the kit. The lighter shades are great for my skin tone right now. The others? They are a perfect match for my skin in the summer months. That makes this kit a total winner for me. It works well with my skin and looks great. The only thing I do not love about this kit is the packaging. It was just shoved in a cardboard box. That means I have to carefully store it to make sure the kit stays together. Ah well, for $12 I can't be too upset about that!

This is a kit that I have been absolutely loving lately. Want to see the products in action? I used it for a recent makeup look. Featured are the lighter highlight and contour shades. Take a look! 

Great makeup for a great price. Nothing makes me happier. I am so glad that this contour and highlighting kit worked out for me. It gives off a really natural finish and the products are super pigmented. Love! If you stumble upon this kit, consider adding it to your cart. You won't be disappointed.

xo Shannon


  1. Great makeup, you are flawless!

    Happy Holidays!
    The Flower Duet

  2. Finding a good contour can be tough! Great review and you look stunning!

    Fishbowl Fashion

  3. Wow, pretty!!!


  4. wow beautiful make up <3
    have a nice Sunday!

  5. LOVE this. Must go look for it now ! :)

  6. u rely know how to do it!'f4f?

  7. It came out very beautiful on you, Shannon. Love that gorge glow.

  8. love the result!

  9. nice post!!
    you look very pretty, that make up looks very nice

  10. Que linda! Amei o post! =)


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