Monday, December 7, 2015

put on some eyeshadow and live a little.

It's funny. I never used to wear eyeshadow. Like, at all. My early days of makeup were focused entirely on eyeliner and mascara. Nothing more and nothing less. The mere thought of wearing eyeshadow was overwhelming. I had no clue how to put it on or what would look good. Back then, I never thought that there might be YouTube videos to help me learn. So I simply avoided. Somehow? Over the years I have become a complete and total eyeshadow junkie. My obsession with shadows is a very real thing. I everything about them. Like playing with different colours and finishes. Trying out different brands. Testing new items.

There are an awful lot of eyeshadows in my collection. Some palettes, some trios, and a few singles here and there. Then there are the cream shadows. Honestly? I don't have nearly as many of those as I do powder products. But that doesn't mean I don't love them! Simply that I am rather picky about the cream eyeshadows I enjoy. My all time favourite line of cream shadows comes from Flower Beauty. Their Color Play Creme Eyeshadows are incredible. Beyond incredible.

A little while back I added another shade from the line to my collection. It is Wild Geranium. As you can see from the photo above, the colour is totally gorgeous. It is a shimmery champagne shade with just a hint of rust. The pigmentation is stunning, the texture is smooth and creamy, and application is a cinch. When it comes to application, a little goes a very long way. Which means you can get a ton of use out of this product. It can be worn on its own or layered underneath another shadow. There will be no creasing at all. Seriously. I love to wear this when I know there is a long day ahead of me. It stays put and looks great!

Below is a makeup look that I created using the Wild Geranium shade. Take a peek!

Yes I am a total eyeshadow junkie. And the Flower Beauty Creme Eyeshadows are some of the absolute best. Which is why they got a mention in my latest YouTube video. I was tagged to answer some questions as part of the "Eyeshadow Junkie Tag." Well....I did! You can see the video on Mansa Fashion. YouTube channel or just click on the video below.

Are you an eyeshadow junkie? Share your favourite products!

xo Shannon


  1. Eye shadow always reminded me of wearing bright blue eye shadow in middle school ;) I wear it all the time now! I haven't thought of cream shadow either... maybe because I wore that kind in middle school haha! That color is beautiful though!

  2. This looks absolutely gorgeous! xo

  3. I adore eyeshadow, it's probably my favorite makeup product to use. I love a good cream formula too, since I'm a big fan of that "wet" look it gives to the eyelids. Lovely bronzey shade you picked there, it's very flattering!


  4. such a pretty color x

  5. I like this shade so much!
    It makes you look great :)

    I am a new follower!
    Would you like to follow back? :)

    Enchanted Ana

  6. To be honest, I'm still starting to discover the eyeshadow world! But I just published a post about cream eyeshadows and I'm really in love with them.

  7. So beautiful.It make your eyes pop out

  8. That is such a gorgeous colour! I love your blog!

    xx Isabel

  9. amazing are looking beautiful..
    following you on gfc n google please follow back

  10. thats alovely eye shadow.. love bronzy colors

    BLOG | Taislany

  11. wow this Creme Eyeshadows is very lovely! You are beautiful!


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