Tuesday, December 15, 2015

review: too faced holiday sets

It is that time of year again. You know, holiday palette season! I cannot fully express the thrill I get walking into Sephora and seeing all of those magical sets just waiting to be swatched and bought. There are lip sets, eyeshadow palettes, and blush kits galore. Each year it is a struggle to decide which holiday palette to choose....and which to leave behind. This year? After careful consideration I chose the Too Faced Holiday Sets, Le Grand Chateau and Le Grand Palais. The Christmas in Paris theme gave these sets an undeniable air of luxury and romance. Perfect for the holiday season!

What made my decision so easy? The packaging. Honestly, I am a sucker for cute packaging. I just love the design elements and creativity. It gives your makeup that oh-so-special kind of feeling. And that is super important during the holiday season. You want the gift you give (whether it is to someone else or to yourself) to be perfect. Which is why the stunning Too Faced packaging sold it for me. Not to mention the fact that one of their previous holiday palettes remains my favourite to this day.

So.... let's get started! The first set I am going to talk about is Le Grand Chateau. This was the first one I bought. The adorable house shape took my breath away. Plus everything was stored in a clean and compact way. This snagged the set major bonus points for me. My bathroom is quite small so every inch of space counts! I love that the little house looks great - but also holds three small palettes and a mascara.

Yes, this set comes with a mini Better Than Sex mascara and three eyeshadow books. Each has six eyeshadows and one blush or bronzer. The green book is full of neutral browns. The black book has smokey purples and the pink book warm rosy colours. The fact that there are so many different types of colours? Amazing. Many of them are shimmery or glittery though.....so if you prefer matte shades this will be one to skip. Personally I adore shimmery shadows so this was a winner for me. I love the fact that the books are small and sturdy. They will be fabulous for travel. Especially with a blush included as well. Overall, I was super impressed with this set. There are a ton of different looks you can create with it. Not just for the holidays but on a day to day basis.

Okay, next up? Le Grand Palais. Unlike the other holiday set this one is large and in charge. It actually folds out to reveal a paper staircase (with products like the Too Faced Shadow Insurance, Melted Lipstick, and Better Than Sex Mascara) along with a paper mannequin. There is even an image of the Eiffel Tour in the background. Totally stunning. On the bottom half? An giant eyeshadow palette.

There are plenty of great extras included here. The eye primer is one of my favourites, I love the mascara, and the Melted Lipsticks consistently impress. So that alone is reason to love this set. (In addition to the fabulous yet bulky packaging.) But then you get to the shadows themselves. There are fifteen in total, with three blending/highlight shades, two blush shades, a cheek highlight, and a bronzer. That's right. There is a ton of product in this set. And honestly? I am completely obsessed. Even more so than the other holiday set. There is a true range of colours, tons of glitter shimmer and sparkle, and even a few matte shades thrown in there as well. This is a seriously incredible holiday set. It will take you from work party to family dinner and back again.

Want a closer look at these holiday sets? Eyeshadows, swatches, and more? Then check out my latest video for Mansa Fashion. YouTube channel.

Too Faced has done it again. Their holiday sets totally exceeded my expectations. I have loved creating different looks with them and getting into the spirit of the season.

What do you think of these holiday sets? Have you tried them?

xo Shannon


  1. I love this palette:)
    Have a nice week!:)

  2. ...I love this kit too faced...it's very pretty!!!
    ...I love the mascara Better than Sex!!!

  3. but that the packaging beautiful, I love

  4. It looks so pretty and cute! Great review.


  5. This package is so 'beautiful which is a regret using the products!

  6. I love this a lot!

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  7. In love with their sets! xo


  8. the video is awesome
    I love how you have done your makeup so pretty

  9. The pictures are amazing! I love the post:)


  10. Too cute the packaging! Love it!!!!

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  11. Great palettes, Shannon, the packaging is really cute. Great job on the video.

  12. Cutee blog!
    I follow you<3 please follow me back <3
    best regards

  13. I really love you :) I see you for a long time, I'm impressed!

    Can you follow me? I follow you :)
    If you comment my post, I will comment your five posts! :)


  14. Too Faced is great. Cute packaging!

    Thanks for sharing your review!



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