Sunday, January 10, 2016

don't let your day be a waste of makeup.

January is in full swing ....but I am still dealing with the holiday aftermath. There is glitter all over the carpet, decorations lining the shelves, and Christmas presents just waiting to be used. See, some people take everything down the moment January 1st hits. I couldn't bear to do it! Chances are the apartment will be back to normal by the end of this week. Sigh. While the tree is still gorgeous and glowing, I have finally started to find spots for the wonderful gifts I received over the holiday season.

It started with makeup. I was eager to put away all of the makeup I was given. And of course, find an excuse to use it all. Before giving each item its proper spot I thought that I would show you some of the things I was given. Lips, eyes, face, and more. Nothing like being spoiled on Christmas morning! Here is a mini haul of holiday makeup items.....

One of my absolute favourite things? This collection of lipsticks from Femme Lipstick. This past year has certainly been one of adventure in terms of lip colours. I want to try it all! Bright colours, unwearable shades, and everything in between. There is nothing more exciting to me than trying to rock a green lipstick or add a bold pop with a vibrant purple. My mom knows me all too well and gifted me eight incredible lip products. (Pictured above.) Green, gold, sky blue, dark blue, deep purple, bright purple, baby pink, and fuchsia. I. Am. Obsessed. In fact, I have an upcoming YouTube video dedicated to these incredible lippies. Stay tuned! 

Next up? Another awesome set of gifts from my Mom. She and I often bond over makeup so it is usually her who gives me beauty products for Christmas. This time she gave me a gorgeous Jay Manuel lipstick, an eyeshadow quad, and a stunning turquoise liner. The eyeshadows are all blues and greens (the quad is called, Ocean) and I am really excited to try it out. Since one of my resolutions this year was to play with colour more frequently...these products are beyond perfect. 

This next handful of makeup items came inside of my Christmas cracker. This year, the girls in the family opted for a non-traditional cracker. We got a selection of makeup instead of a shoe horn and paper crown. While I did miss the paper crown and corny jokes, the makeup was super exciting to receive. I got a gold single eyeshadow and a pink nude lip gloss. Both are from Quo and are absolutely beautiful! Definitely a nice treat. 

The last beauty item that I wanted to show you was this set from Aveda. It is a sampler with some of their most popular face and body products. It has straightening cream, hair oil, body lotion, and a few other odds and ends. Since I am a total product junkie, this was very exciting to open up. Now I get to try out six of their products. So far so good. Already I am certain that I will be buying a full sized version of the Body Creme. It smells divine and is super relaxing. 

Want to see some of the other items I was given for Christmas? Then take a look at my latest video for Mansa Fashion. YouTube channel. This is my own What I Got For Christmas post!

Makeup is a massive part of my life. So it is always nice to be given some around the holidays. Now to put it all to good use in 2016....

Were you given any makeup for Christmas?

xo Shannon


  1. Oi tudo bem, que maquiagem linda, que presentes perfeitos, amo receber maquiagem de presente... amei amei, um beijo amore...

  2. You've gotten gorgeous stuff, Shannon. I love love love your eye makeup.

  3. Those lipstick colours are so bright and cool! xx

  4. So many amazing looking goodies! The color lipsticks look so cool.

  5. Amazing stuff I must say...well talking of fashion reminds me a new Women Fashion Startup with a fabulous collection of Women Fashion Accessories... Hope you like it.

  6. You look so pretty!


  7. Seems like you had a nice holiday, I too can never bare to take the christmas decorations down right after the holidays! I also love Gem and the Holograms and I'm pretty jealous about that home alone set. Hope your new year is off to a great start.
    - xx CD

  8. I cant' wait to see your looks with those green & yellow lippies!

  9. Gorgeous girl! Can't wait to see you put all of your gifts to good use! I must try that anti-frizz brush! Shannon what is your secret to such flawless skin?!

  10. wowwwwwwwwwwwwww you are so beautiful *.*
    this makeup is very very great!

  11. Thats so nice post my dear,,
    kit kiss
    keep on touch

  12. Nice video, Can you please share the names of the books and the author because I could not see it. I am also very keen on reading crime books so would love to get them if you say they are so good :)


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