Wednesday, February 17, 2016

current favourites: skin care

There is a lot on my to do list. An awful lot. Someone said to me recently: you want to do too many things. Like that was bad. It's true. There are a lot of things that I want to do. Accomplish. Achieve. And I have a lot of interests. Like writing, music, makeup, fashion, beauty.....along with a few other noteworthy hobbies. Perhaps this is why much of my time is accounted for. I have to work very hard to make time for the things that I want to do. Sometimes? There isn't enough hours in the day. But I suppose I would rather have too many interests than too few.

One thing on my to do list? To take better care of my skin. While my love of makeup seems to occupy much of my time....the essentials often slip through the cracks. Skin care for instance. These days? I am lucky if I manage to take off my makeup before bed. Let alone apply nighttime moisturizers, eye creams, and all the rest. But - this is something I am working on. Having a morning and evening routine. (And actually sticking to it!) Over the last several weeks this has been getting easier. Sure, there are some days when I fall back into old habits and wake up with a serious case of raccoon eyes. But there are also days when I take good care of my skin.

Skin care is on my mind. Which is why I wanted to show you all a few of my current favourites. These products have been improving my skin...and helping me stick to a regular routine. Who knows? Maybe they can do the same for you. There is a little bit of everything here. Moisturizers, night creams, eye creams, BB creams, and even a tone corrector. Phew! Take a look. Be sure to let me know which ones you  have tried and if they work for you.

These are a few of my current favourites for skin care. I have been doing my best to use them (almost) every day....and there is definitely a difference. My skin is smoother and more hydrated. That is a great thing. Especially since the winter weather has been all over the place this year!

What do you think of these products? Have you tried any of them?

xo Shannon


  1. Great post :)
    Thanks for sharing!
    xx Katha

  2. I literally believe in Neutrogena..they have the best products!

  3. I hope to try these products too, soon! :) Hmm, what eye cream can you recommend? Anyway, have a great day ❤️


  4. I'd love to try those products, I really like Neutrogena :)


  5. That Aveno BB cream I used it everyday, I love it, it works good on my skin, and it has SPF 30 which is a must. It just the color is a bit off, hard to find color that really match my skin.

  6. That Aveno BB cream I used it everyday, I love it, it works good on my skin, and it has SPF 30 which is a must. It just the color is a bit off, hard to find color that really match my skin.

  7. I recently broke out! Thanks for sharing this! Saved me in time x

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  8. i agree, there simply isn't enough time for everything. i have way too many things that i want to do too. oh and i love neutrogena's products x

  9. Great post love! I will give Roc a try if you liked them:)

  10. Neutrogena has really awesome products
    Great review dear


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