Monday, May 2, 2016

review: hard candy eyeshadow collection

Eyeshadow palettes are tricky. Especially at the drugstore. They always lure you in with hopes of high pigmentation and an affordable price tag. But half the time? Those same eyeshadow palettes are lackluster. Either the pigmentation is off, the formula is chalky, or the packaging is flimsy. Not so with the Hard Candy Top Ten Eyeshadow Collection. Their set, Pinking Of You, was everything I hoped it would be. Ready to find out why this eyeshadow palette impressed? Take a look at the palette below......

As you can see, there is a nice range of shades included here. Some lighter, some smokier, and a few pink-peach tones. This is something I really appreciate from an eyeshadow palette. I like when there are light, mid-tone, and darker colours included. That way I can create a wide range of makeup looks using one single palette. Super convenient for travel or when you are on the go. The texture of the shades is consistent throughout the palette (something else I really appreciate. Too often drugstore eyeshadow palettes include one or two pigmented shades with the rest chalky and barely there). Each shadow gives off a good amount of colour. They look exactly as they do in the pan on the eyes. Another bonus. 

While Hard Candy does have a few matte palettes, this particular palette is all about shimmer. All of the shadows are quite shimmery. In fact? There are a few in here that border on glittery if you really pack them onto the lid. The packaging on this palette is another positive. While it is simple black plastic - as most drugstore palettes tend to be - there is a really lovely detail on the front. It is covered in pink and black lace fabric. That was such a nice touch. Plus it looks super pretty in my makeup collection. Always a good thing! 

Recently I pulled this palette out of my eyeshadow drawer to get creative. It had been far too long! The look I created was smokey, glittery, and just a little dramatic. I used that deep brown shade in the crease, the peachy toned shadow all over the lid, and patted on lots and lots of that white shimmer for an added pop. The rest of my makeup was fairly simple. A nude blush and neutral lip. The eyes were definitely the star of this look. Here it is....

Makeup doesn't have to be expensive to be good. Hard Candy has proven that time and time again. To me, at least! They are by far one of my favourite drugstore brands. As for drugstore eyeshadow palettes? This is proof enough that they can (and should) exceed your expectations. 

Speaking of Hard sure to check out Mansa Fashion. YouTube channel to see my latest Hard Candy haul! 

Have you tried this palette? What is your favourite Hard Candy item?

xo Shannon


  1. LOVE your makeup, Shannon, you look so glam. The palette sounds good and looks pretty good. I have yet to try hard candy, I think, lol. I cannot remember if I ever bought anything from hard candy, tho. Happy new week, Shannon.

  2. You're the master of the smoky eye. This palette is amazing on you.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  3. Love it :) Wanna follow each other??

  4. Love this! I need to learn how to get this good :)

  5. lovely post your makeup looks gorgeous

  6. Wonderful this palette! Gorgeous makeup!

  7. I love the look of this palette! Every shade looks so wearable x
    Louise |

  8. Such a pretty eye look. You look stunning ❤


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