Wednesday, June 15, 2016

current obsession: sally hansen insta-dri nail polish

Nails. It is amazing how something as simple as a coat of nail polish can boost your confidence. Do you find that, too? Or is it just me? Every time I paint my nails....I walk a little taller. I feel better about myself. I feel totally put together. That is a nice feeling. Unfortunately in my day to day life, my nails are often ignored. Half the time they are bare, chipped, or somewhere in between. That is why I have made the conscious decision to pay attention to my nails. To keep them painted, pretty, and polished. Because after all, it feels good to feel good.

I wasn't looking for a new nail polish. There are a good few handfuls in my modest collection already. From deep reds to corals, pinks, light blues, deep purples, and taupe. I certainly was not in need of yet another shade. Then I found Expresso by Sally Hansen. It is part of the Insta-Dri Nail Color Collection. Honestly? There were a few things about this nail polish that caught my eye. The first was the name of the collection. The idea of "instant drying" is intriguing to say the least. There is nothing I hate more than waiting (and waiting and waiting) for my nails to dry. It is one of the reasons my nails tend to get neglected. Something else that caught my eye? That colour! Oh my goodness, that colour is everything. It was so different to the other shades on the shelf. It was dramatic and sultry but still super romantic and flirty. Love! did  Expresso by Sally Hansen perform? Let's just say that I am very pleased with the results. The colour is exactly what I hoped it would be. Rich and sophisticated. I adore the way it looks on my nails. The texture of this polish is fantastic as well. The consistency was fairly thick (rather than runny and watery). That meant only one coat was needed. That saved me tons of time. Speaking of time! Was this an instant dry nail polish? Of course not. But it did dry fairly quickly. It took about three to four minutes to dry. It didn't smudge or ripple as the day went on either. For such an affordable nail polish - I think this cost me four dollars - it really exceeded my expectations. 

There you have it. My current obsession. This Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Nail Polish offers luxury on a budget. Take a look at the shade selection the next time you are in the drugstore. Who knows? Maybe a colour will jump out at you!

Have you tried any of the Insta-Dri polishes? What do you think of this colour?


  1. Gorgeous color, Shannon. I haven't tried any of the Sally Hansen's insta-dry polishes, yet. I am the same, I hate waiting for my nails to dry, or even need to apply a second coat. That's why I mostly reach for the paint and go nail polishes. I love the Essence color and go or the Rimmel 60second ones. Esp essence is cheap and it really is a good nail polish. Well I also had some failures, but I suppose that's normal, anyhow, dunno if you can get the brand, Shannon, but it is worth a try.

  2. I totally agree! A fresh coat of nail polish makes me feel great. Once they start to chip and grow, I start to lose it a little. I try to keep a schedule to clean them up every couple of weeks! I LOVE Sally Hansen polish - it's my fave! I'm pretty sure I have every color, haha! I also love how thick they go on.

  3. Love that color, so rich! I need a good many to feel nice as well.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  4. *___*

    Amei muito esse esmalte! Lindíssima a cor!

    Ótima quinta!

    Beijo! ^^

  5. This shade looks so good on you, Shannon:) I think I have one from this SH line, but I don't really wear polishes much these days. I should hunt it down and wear it again! I do remember liking it:)

  6. Your nails are so pretty, great post x

  7. The color looks gorgeous on your nails!


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