Thursday, July 14, 2016

miss a haul and review.

Who can resist a bargain? Not me. Ever. If there is one thing I am a sucker is a good deal. There is something oddly comforting about getting more bang for your buck. Which is why Miss A is such a standout website. Everything (and I do mean everything) costs $1. There are accessories, face masks, beauty products, and more. For $1. With super cheap shipping. How could a bargain hunter like myself possibly ignore the deals? It should come as no surprise that this is the second order I have placed with Miss A in the last six months or so.

I was not shopping for anything in particular. Instead, I ordered things that I wanted to try out. Or that were missing from my collection. Ready to take a closer look at what I bought? Here it second Miss A haul.

Accessories and Face Products. My collection of face masks has dwindled recently. So I thought it would be a good idea to try out a couple available on the website. I chose the Revital Collagen mask and the Moisture Green Tea mask. I haven't had a chance to give these a try yet....but they will be the perfect add on to my next at-home spa day! I also picked up a small concealer and corrector palette. Honestly? That product was kind of a dud. The product is very thin and does little to conceal or correct. (Ahh least it only cost a dollar.)

I also ordered a few accessories. There were a lot of temporary tattoos available on the site. For whatever reason, this was the most amazing thing to me at the time. So I purchased a sheet of temporary star tattoos. The sunglasses pictured above were a much smarter choice. I love them! They are big with fun pops of colour around the rim. And then there was the last accessory. That yellow ring. It is absolutely stunning. I love the colour and the bold shape.

Cheek and Lip Products. It wouldn't be a beauty haul without a blush shade or two. Yes, I am a total blush addict. Which is how these shades found their way into my life. Each one is very different to the colours already in my collection. They are super sultry. The packaging was pretty cute and the pigmentation was fantastic. For both of these! Both blush shades are a fantastic add on to a night out look. Needless to say? I am loving them both.

One of my current goals is to buy less lipstick. I have so much already.....and I really need to focus on using what is in my collection. So there was only one lip product in this Miss A haul. The shade caught my eye and I simply needed to see it in person. It is a frosty purple. And boy, is it frosty! This is very 80s. It is fabulous. Certainly not a shade that I would reach for on a normal day. But fun to play around with nonetheless.

Eyeshadow and Glitter Galore. Now for the good stuff. The really good stuff. Out of everything I ordered? These last few items are the standouts for sure. Let's start with the eyeshadow palette. Honestly? I was curious about a $1 eyeshadow palette. What would it be like? I needed to know. So the Alpha Girl Perfectionist Eyeshadow Palette from KleanColor entered my life. Despite being well wrapped....there was a bit of fallout and a cracked shadow. But I cleaned everything up and ta da! I was left with some shockingly beautiful eyeshadow shades. They are largely quite pigmented (some are more pigmented than others) and have a beautiful shimmery finish. Plus there are some gorgeous shades that I am eager to play around with. Very impressed!

Then there were the glitters. Lately, I have been desperate to add a bit of glitter to my makeup looks. Not sure why or where this came from. I just needed a little glitter in my life! So I ordered a few from Miss A. Okay....these glitters are incredible. Not only are they much cheaper than any others I have purchased in the past. But they are better. The glitter is fine and the combination of colours is just breathtaking. I cannot get enough of these beautiful glitters.

Phew! So there it is. My second Miss A haul. Overall, I am really impressed with this website. The shipping takes ages but hey - everything is a dollar. It is a great way to test out new products and get familiar with different brands.

Have you tried Miss A? What do you think of this haul?

xo Shannon


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