Sunday, August 14, 2016

my top five favourite exercise dvds

I am the queen of exercise DVDs. Don't believe me? I have a shelf of workout videos to prove it. Low intensity, high intensity, yoga, cardio, and everything in between. If you can imagine it? There is a video for it on my shelf. My foray into fitness began about five yeas ago. I found a video called, "Target Toning For Beginners" by Cindy Whitmarsh. Her positive attitude made me feel like I could do anything. That working out was important.

After that? I found more of her videos. Then I branched out a little, trying anything and everything I could get my hands on. See, I tend to get bored. So I like a lot of variety with my workout. It keeps things interesting and pushes me in new ways. Which is why in addition to the shelf full of workout DVDs I own....I also peruse YouTube rather frequently.

It was after throwing out my back that I found Jane Fonda. Sure, her videos are legendary, but I never thought to try them out. I didn't figure that I was an aerobics kind of person. How wrong I was. I found a video of hers that offered a light aerobic workout with lots of stretching - exactly what I needed for my recovering back. Somehow, I discovered a new passion. I genuinely love to do aerobics. (Even though I can never quite nail the moves.) I actually get excited to come home from work and pop in a Jane Fonda DVD. Exercise suddenly went from something I did to something I wanted to do. It was quite the revelation.

That feeling is what inspired this post. Seeing as I have tried an awful lot of workout DVDs....I bring you the very best. Here are my top five favourites.

  • Jane Fonda's Prime Time Workout. Let's start with a good one. The best one, in my opinion. Jane Fonda's Prime Time Workout (which you can watch on YouTube) has a little bit of everything. There are toning exercises, a ballet themed section, aerobics, floor work, and a full body stretch. It gives you a complete body workout - and it's fun! This workout always makes me feel good. 
  • Jena Hughenian Michaels Kickbox Fast Fix. Another one of my fitness gurus is Jena Hughenian Michaels. I am such a huge fan of hers. While I own just about every DVD she has released...this is one of my favourites. The kickbox moves are easy to follow but ultra effective. She blends cardio with strength and toning in this video. Plus there are three different workouts that target different parts of the body. That gives you noticeable results in no time. 
  • Jena Hughenian Michaels 30 Day Shred. There are many reasons to workout. Sometimes? I work out to get active and feel good. Other times? I am more focused on getting fit and dropping excess weight. If the latter is true...I always reach for the 30 Day Shred. This 30 day program from Jena Hughenian Michaels delivers. By the end of the month? Your body will be ultra toned. Be warned: this workout program is not easy. But it definitely works! 
  • Jane Fonda's Lean Routine. When I have the apartment to myself? There is one workout I absolutely have to do. It is the Lean Routine by Jane Fonda. This is 80s style aerobics at its best. It is over an hour of intense aerobic workout. Here's the thing. The outfits are wild, the dance moves are dated....and you will have an absolute blast. By the time the hour has passed? You will be dripping with sweat. It is challenging but fun to do. (And you can check it out on YouTube!) Something else I really love? At the end of the workout there is a full section on healthy eating. 
  • Jane Fonda's Light Aerobics and Stress Reduction Program. This is the one that started it all. The workout that helped me recover and strengthen my back. This video has some fun aerobics (complete with super stylish 80s outfits) as well as tons of stretching. This is amazing if you are feeling sore or are dealing with an injury. After the hard work has been done? It is time for the stress reduction part of the program. This is super effective. Sometimes, I watch it at the end of a long day. By the time the video ends? I feel relaxed, at peace, and ready for a good nights sleep. Give it a try

Honourable Mentions: Skinny Bitch Bootcamp, Bob Harper's Inside Out Method (note: this workout is brutal. It is the perfect way to kick your workout routine up a notch), Pussycat Dolls Workout, Tracy Anderson's The Method, and Jena Hughenian Michaels Body Shred Program.

Fitness has become an integral part of my life. Though I certainly don't look like a personal trainer....exercise has brought me unexpected fulfillment. What an amazing gift.

What is your favourite workout DVD?

xo Shannon


  1. Great picks, I remember my mom watches videos like these and I do too now!

    The Flower Duet

  2. Although not do physical activity today, I was never one to like series or exercise programs, but liked your post and maybe one day the desire to return to "athlete" and with some time and calm, release Me physical activity :)

    Helena Primeira
    Helena Primeira Youtube
    Primeira Panos

  3. Hahah so old school babe~! I actually still have a Denise Austin tape from the 80's! Love these badass OG's!
    Thank you for the blog visit babe, hope to see you back to check out my TOP PARIS TRAVEL GUIDE!

    Xx- Julie

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  4. Great recs! I usually use Xhit on Youtube!

  5. I need to try these, I mean especially that rad 80s one, because the outfits are second to none!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  6. OMG! you really have that many exercise dvd's?!! I have non, lol. I am even to lazy to watch thse, lol. Great post, Shannon.

  7. Someday I`ll watch one of this dvd`s, I`m to lazy...


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