Saturday, April 15, 2017

review: l'oreal colorista (bleach and washout colour)

I am not an adventurous person. Generally speaking, I like to play it safe. Thrill seeker? Nope. Ready for change? Never. Which explains why I was more than a little hesitant to lighten and temporarily dye my hair before my Las Vegas trip. It was something I had been mulling over for a while. (My obsession with the ombre hair trend is nothing new. From Khloe Kardashian to mermaid inspired hair looks....I love them all.) Yet still when the time came, I was terrified.

My husband actually helped me with the process, which I am very grateful for. He dealt with my worrying like a pro! It started with the L'Oreal Colorista lightening cream. It was applied to the lower parts of my hair, left on for 25 minutes, and rinsed off. Immediately, I could see the colour getting lighter. It was....exciting! I loved the way it looked right off the bat. The instructions said to leave the lightener on for 25-40 minutes but I was worried, so I left it on for the shortest amount of time. Next time (and there will likely be a next time), it will definitely be left on longer. My hair is naturally very dark so it could have used that extra time to really lighten up.

After that, it was time to add on the pink colour. This was a semi-permanent dye that was supposed to wash out in 6-8 washes. (In reality, the bulk of it washed out after three washes, though there are still random pieces of pink in my hair now. I think this is because certain sections of hair were lightened more than others during the first part of the process.) It was fairly simple to apply and the colour looked great. If you have naturally lighter hair, I think it would look even better. There are a ton of other shades in this Colorista line as well but pink was my first choice!

Once my hair was finished? I loved it so much. Even though it was weird to do something different with my hair (this was legitimately a first) it made me super excited and happy. It has been a couple of weeks since the dying process and my hair is still lighter on the bottom with random pink streaks throughout. Not bad for an at-home dye job! Here is a peek at the finished product....

Overall, I was very happy with these L'Oreal Colorista products. They worked well and didn't damage my hair whatsoever. They even included conditioning shampoos, which was super helpful. I am loving the ombre look and hope to maintain it in the weeks and months to come.

On another note, my latest YouTube video is up on Mansa Fashion. It is dedicated to the NYX Liquid Suede lipsticks in my collection. Take a look!

Are you adventurous with your hair? Have you tried the Colorista line?

xo Shannon


  1. Your hair looks great! My husband colors my hair too, it can also be a fun bonding! I haven't tried Nyx line, but I'll get this for my next coloring time!

    Madame X
    The Flower Duet

  2. Amazing! Love this product!

  3. Your hair looks amazing, your husband did a great job! I love Nyx, especially their matte lipsticks! Kisses!

  4. I think the ombre look really suits you! Even better when it doesn't damage it your hair! I hope you do it again!

  5. He surely did an awesome work,love love how your hair looks wow

  6. Your hair looks freaking awesome! I was curious about this product. Good to know it works well:)

  7. Your hair looks amazing, well done and I am glad these products work =)

    Fashion and Cookies - fashion and beauty blog

  8. You are so beautiful! Those contacts are perfect for you :)


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