Thursday, July 20, 2017

workout equipment essentials for your home.

You don’t need an expensive gym membership to get in shape. In fact, you can do it from your very own living room. Just pop in a workout DVD or create your own routine. There are plenty of options to suit your budget and specific interests. Since returning home from my has been a struggle to get back to doing my daily workout - but having everything I need on hand makes it a whole lot easier to stay motivated. If you want to work out at home, these equipment essentials will make your life a whole lot easier.

Resistance Bands

This first piece of at-home equipment is great for a couple of reasons. It costs less than $5, can be taken anywhere, and works with all fitness levels. Yes, the resistance band is a workout essential. They come in different resistance levels, so you can start with a medium strength and work your way up. Plus, these bands can be used in many different ways to build muscle. Tie it around your ankles or attach it to a door handle. Not only does this piece of equipment force you to get really makes your workout count!

Hand Weights

To build muscle and really sculpt your arms, hand weights are a must. They are affordable and can take any workout to a more advanced level. If you’re a beginner, start with 3-pound weights and work your way up, so that your body is always being challenged. Don’t want to splurge on weights? Improvise! Things like soup cans or a heavy book can be used so long as you’re careful not to hurt yourself.

Yoga Mat

Okay, you may not be doing yoga, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need a yoga mat. You can find these at any fitness or department store. They range in price but are typically pretty inexpensive. (Here's a tip: head to Marshall's or Winners for a cheap yoga mat that works well.) Lay it down wherever you’re planning to work out. This will give you a little more cushion and support your back when you do floor work exercises. Pick one in your favourite colour to add a little personality to any workout.

Heart Rate Monitor

Another essential piece of at-home workout equipment is a heart rate monitor. This is important as it lets you know if you’re overdoing it (or if you aren’t doing enough). A heart rate monitor keeps track of your calorie burn and makes sure you are within a healthy range. Working out too hard can cause you to hurt yourself or become totally exhausted. Not giving it your all may cause you to see little results during your next weigh-in. This handy piece of equipment makes sure you find the right balance.

You don’t necessarily need expensive workout equipment to burn calories at home. Focus on using what you have and finding budget friendly alternatives. Whatever you do, remember to use the equipment carefully and do plenty of stretches beforehand.

On another note, my latest YouTube video is up. This one is a makeup tag - where I answer questions related to skin care, beauty, and more. Please take a look, comment, like, and subscribe.

What are your workout essentials? 

xo Shannon


  1. Great list! I'm not sure why I don't have my own yoga mat yet. They're so handy!

  2. I so agree that you don't need expensive equipments to work out at home:) I love my hand weights and Zumba DVD, and just bought the Simply Fit board which is pretty cool.

  3. Nice post

  4. I definitely need a yoga mat!

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