Sunday, August 27, 2017

my first professional makeup application.

It was a memorable day. Finally, a year after completing my LiveGlam makeup artist certification (read more about my experience here), I applied makeup on a client. was someone I knew, but client sounds so much cooler! This was something I have wanted to do for a very long time. Long before I even considered signing up for LiveGlam. Truth be told? I was too nervous to take that first step. Luckily, my friend pushed me to follow my passion.

So, we arranged for her to come over to my place so I could do her makeup. I spent that morning setting up my work station, looking over my course notes, and planning out a warm smokey eye makeup look. In my head, I started to picture something that was glamorous, flatting, and versatile.

Which is how I wound up combining shadows from the Smashbox Photo Eyes Matte palette and the Anastasia Beverly Hills Master Palette by Mario. Then I added some pencil eyeliner, and a few coats of mascara. The skin was simple yet polished, with foundation, concealer, light contouring, and lots of highlight on the cheeks. Then to finish it all off.....I added a rosy blush, a nude lipstick, and just a hint of a peach-toned gloss.

Overall, I was pretty happy with the way the look turned out. I think it would be great for a wedding, dinner date, or a night out. Though we did take pictures, they were for educational purposes (for me to study, so I can improve next time). So instead of sharing those with you today, I will let you take a peek at the makeup look I wore on my day as a makeup artist. I kept it simple and smokey on the eyes with a light wash of purple on the lips. Quick and I could get back to prepping my work station!

So...what did I learn from doing my very first makeup application? A lot. For instance, I discovered that prepping the skin was my favourite part. Putting eyeliner on someone else can be challenging. Good lighting is key. Mascara is easier than you'd think. And good conversation makes a world of difference.

Going into this experience, I was nervous. There was a huge part of me that was not sure that I could actually do it....let alone apply the makeup well. This was uncharted territory for me! Before she came over, I looked in the mirror and gave myself a prep talk. You can do this. It is okay if it doesn't turn out perfectly. No matter what, this is a step forward. This is the start of something wonderful. It may sound silly, but it helped me feel better.

With unwavering support (and that last minute pep talk), things ended up going quite well for my first try. I am very proud.

Have you ever done someone else's makeup? What was the experience like?

xo Shannon


  1. Omg congrats and I hope the best for you.

  2. Beautiful make up dear ;)
    I like the eye make up!

    Have a nice day

  3. Wow its perfect Kit, and easy to carry also. love eye makeup.
    I am following you.
    Please follow me.

  4. Great Post<3
    Follow for Follow?
    Let me know with a comment on my blog.

  5. Such a great kit, congrats Shannon!
    Kisses, Paola.

  6. Nice post

  7. Amazing things! :)

  8. congratulation on the completion of your course. you did the makeup so well. Looks so beautiful.

    New post alert


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