Friday, September 8, 2017

five fabulous fall nail polish shades.

Does it even count as fall without a fresh coat of polish? One of the best ways to welcome in the season is to add a little colour to your nails. Not only will it look great - but it will inspire you to embrace fall fashion. That is why I decided to dig through my nail polish collection to show you a few of my favourite summer shades. Pick them up at your local drugstore or choose a similar colour from your own collection for fabulous fall-ready nails.

Shade #1: Timeless Taupe (L'Oreal)
When it comes to nail polish, I have a total weakness for taupe. There is something about this deep neutral that makes me happy. It goes with any and all outfit choices, has an undeniable warmth, and looks good on everyone. This is a total must have.

Shade #2: Spice Age (Sally Hansen)
This is without a doubt my all-time favourite nail polish color for fall. It is a rich brown with a shimmery finish. While I love darker tones on the nails during this time of year....there is something so exciting about those subtle flecks of glitter. They make this a winning combination of fall and fun.

Shade #3: Too Haute (Sally Hansen)
What is fall without a healthy splash of purple? I absolutely love this color from Sally Hansen because it is a deep metallic shade - that has an undeniable vibrancy. It isn't too over the top but can still transform your nails into something that is totally fresh and new.

Shade #4: Wine Note (Sally Hansen)
Similar to Spice Age, this nail polish color is a warmer brown. While Spice Age has lots of shimmer to it, this has purple undertones and a bold metallic finish. It is a great way to mix things up and embrace a slightly different nail look.

Shade #5: Refined Ruby (L'Oreal)
Every now and then, all you need is a pop of red. This is another great fall shade that will spice up any seasonal outfit. The nail polish from L'Oreal is a gorgeous rich ruby. It is a great way to incorporate colour without veering too far from traditional fall shades.

These are definitely high on my list of fall favourites. I love the deep colours and rich tones of each polish. They are the perfect addition to any seasonal outfit. Picture any one of these nail polishes with a cozy sweater and lots of about gorgeous.

Speaking of gorgeous! My latest YouTube video is all about how to feel beautiful, strong, and confident....right now. Take a look....

What are your favourite fall nail polish colours?

xo Shannon


  1. I always tend to experiment much when it comes to nails, bright colours are my thing. I love your post.

    New Post Alert

  2. wonderful colours :)

  3. I like this brand! Lovely colors <3
    I following you dear and hope you'll following my blog back ;)

  4. Great post, it’s so interesting.
    I like this nail polish.
    I really love your blog,it’s amazing!

    I'd love to follow for follow, I'm already following you.
    I colori dell'arcobaleno

  5. Lovely shades, my favorite this fall out of these options is the bright red (most to the right in the first photo). I can't get enough of it! Thank you for stopping by my blog, and leaving me such a kind comment :)

    E from Helsinki, Finland

  6. Wow, amazing post dear! Great nailpolishes, they look so useful and really beautful! Love it! Video is fantastic, you are really pro!

    I follow you. Visit me, and follow back. Hope see you soon. Maleficent

  7. Great post!

  8. Nice post

  9. This is such and amazing post! Great! ♥
    Do you want to follow eachother via GFC? Tell me on my blog when you follow me, then I'll follow back ♥

    Fashion You

  10. Such amazing nail polishes!

  11. Lovely post! Maybe we could follow each other on GFC and instagram @djonovicmilica?
    If yes, follow me and I follow back as soon as I see it.
    Let me know with a comment on my Blog


  12. Nice shades. :)
    I'd like to let you know, that I nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award. I look forward to reading your facts. Have a good week. :) xo

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