Sunday, October 22, 2017

beginner series: how to wear colourful eyeliner

Fall is officially here…. which means there are plenty of exciting makeup trends to try. Just because the weather is getting chilly and everyone seems to be embracing a dark and vampy style doesn't mean you have to say so long to colour. Have fun with it and stand out all season long. That's right! It is possible to wear colourful eyeliner, showcase your personality, and live vibrantly - even as a beginner. This guide will show you how to get started. 

Start Small and Work Your Way Up. Some makeup looks are perfect for the runway. Like ultra exaggerated red eyeliner. While this kind of look may be stunning in photographs and on TV, in real life, you can end up looking like a cartoon character. That is why it is so important to start small and subtle. Begin by adding a pop of gold or silver liquid liner to your bottom lash line. Or switching out your traditional black eyeliner for a navy or chocolate brown. Wondering why you should start small? This will give you a better idea of what works and how dramatic you want your makeup to be.

Choose a Fun But Complimentary Shade. One of the biggest no-no’s when wearing colourful eyeliner? Not considering your eye colour and skin tone. Certain shades might make your eyes look smaller or much larger – or appear harsh against your skin. Your best bet is to look for complimentary shades. (Think brown eyes with gold or blue, green eyes with purple or turquoise, blue eyes with bronze or orange, and hazel with purple or green.) Or you can opt for a universally flattering colour instead. Something like a teal or aqua will give you an unmistakable dash of colour without overwhelming your pretty peepers.

Don’t Be Afraid To Get Graphic. If there is one makeup trend making waves this season it has to be graphic eyeliner. Unique designs have taken eyeliner to a whole new level of amazing. So why not combine that beauty trend with colour? Create a thick cat eye look using a lilac shade or make a cut crease design with a rich forest green. This is one way to have fun with your makeup, get creative, and show off your wild side! Check out beginner friendly YouTube tutorials for simple step-by-step instructions. 

Other Colourful Eyeliner Tips: Still feeling unsure? Not quite ready to take the plunge? Here are a few other tips to make sure your colourful eyeliner look is perfect every single time. One is to make sure your liner is the main focus. Avoid adding on a ton of eyeshadow, blush, and lipstick. This will only detract from the trend worthy look you are creating. Another tip is to keep it smokey. You can layer a coloured liner over top of a dark smoky lash line for something super sultry. Or you can always keep the colour subtle by tight lining your lash line. That will give you just a hint of colour.

You don’t have to be strutting your stuff on the runway to sport this stunning beauty trend. Colourful eyeliner is a great way to be adventurous with your makeup, infuse a little creativity into your makeup routine, and enjoy a brand new season.

How will you wear the colourful eyeliner trend?

xo Shannon


  1. Great post! I love colorful eyeliner, looks amazing! ♥


  2. Wow, it's amazing, i really like it! I'd love to wear it, I love colorful combination on my eyes!

    Visit my blog, Maleficent

  3. Lovely

  4. Lovely post what gorgeous colours!! :) I'd love to get better at my eye make up! - Holly x

  5. Such an amazing makeup, I've never tried colourful eyeliner but maybe I should try it at least once :)

  6. nice tips! Love black eyeliner, but it always melts on my eyelids :(


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