Thursday, November 9, 2017

achieving happy and healthy skin.

You’ve heard it before. Taking care of your skin is a must! It is the best way to look beautiful! There is no doubt about it. Proper skincare is important. Which is exactly why magazines publish article after article about the dangers of not washing your face, not using the right products, and so on. (Which only manages to create serious feelings guilt when you leave your makeup on overnight!) Lately, I have been thinking about my own habits. In terms of both nutrition and my regular skincare routine.

I’ll be honest: there was plenty of room for improvement. Some days, it is hard to make the time. And even harder to make health conscious decisions. Is this something you can relate to? Don’t worry…. I have got you covered. These super simple tips will help you achieve healthy and happy skin in no time.

Add More Liquids To Your Life. The easiest way to score beautiful skin this season is to drink up. In order for your skin to look healthy and glowing it needs to be hydrated. Don’t just layer on heavy moisturizers. Drink water and lots of it. Not only is this good for your overall health but it will improve the look and feel of your skin as well. Another option is to start your day off with a cup of green tea. If you find that your skin has been looking red or uneven lately, green tea will help. It soothes the skin thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. 

Use Face Products With SPF. No one wants to deal with sun damage. Sunburns, blisters, and sunspots can put your overall health in jeopardy – and wreak havoc on your skin. Yes, even during the fall and winter months. That is why it is so important to use sunscreen. In a rush? Keep yourself covered by using products that contain an SPF. That could be a body moisturizer, BB Cream, or foundation. It will seriously save your skin, since common issues related to sun exposure include wrinkles, dullness, and an uneven skin tone. 

Simplify Your Skincare Products. It’s amazing how many beauty and skincare products we accumulate. Maybe that moisturizer claimed to give you radiant skin… that facial serum promised glowing skin….  that under-eye cream boasted reduced puffiness…. and that cleanser said it would leave your face free of blemishes. It becomes all too easy to load up on product after product each night. Using too many products can actually do more harm than good. So cut down on your nightly routine and use only what you need.

Enjoy the season with gorgeous skin you will be proud to show off. Make these easy changes to your lifestyle…..and your skin will be healthy, happy, and ready for anything!

On another note, my latest YouTube video is up on Mansa Fashion. It highlights a Canadian drugstore brand, Annabelle Cosmetics. Maybe you have tried them or maybe this is the first time you are hearing about their products. Either way....this brand spotlight is a great way to find out more. Check it out!

How do you pamper your skin?

xo Shannon


  1. "Simplify Your Skincare Products". Totally agree! Great post dear!


  2. Very informative, thanks for this post dear!

    Have a great day <3

  3. Thank you for the informations dear
    about the simplified the skincare at night is true. It will make your skin breath better.

    Come to visit my blog if you dont mind^^


  4. Thank you for the tip !
    I love taking care of my skin :)

  5. I definitely need to drink more daily...sigh....and thanks for featuring Annabelle! I must really give that bronzer a go!

  6. Wonderful tips:) You are so lovely, great video:*

  7. Wow, amazing review, so lovely products. like them so much!
    Lovely video, it's so interesting, like it.
    Have a nice day, darling.
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  8. This review is written with clear conscience after reading terrible things done to some innocent people who needed help getting back their partner by some unsuspecting spell casters. It was too shameful to say this, but I victimized twice due to my desperation when I was going through harsh closure divorce. The funny thing is that my colleague was also a victim. It took us couple of months to research for the best among the rest.
    If I am being asked to rate a spell caster according to the authenticity of their work, I will give a 5-star rating to Dr. Wakina for not just his breathtaking work but for restoring the faith in humanity.
    Note: this is not a cheap publicity, but a true story of my life, a woman who once lost everything to another appealing woman. I and my friend welcome back our partners via the help of Dr. Wakina.
    By restoring my faith and reuniting my family I believe Dr. Wakina through his email [email protected] can help a lot of people out there currently going through broken heart, home and divorce.

  9. i love the review!
    Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend! :)

    Kathy's delight

  10. Great review, I definitely need to remember to wear SPF every day!

    Abigail Alice x

  11. Thanks for sharing your skincare tips :) Those products look very interesting
    Would you like to follow each other? Please let me know on my blog :)


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