Monday, November 27, 2017

highlight series part two: hard candy vs revlon

There is nothing like a stunning highlight to complete your makeup look. It instantly adds a gorgeous glow to the skin....either in a subtle way or in an over-the-top-glitter kind of way. These days? There are a million different highlighting options on the market. That includes everything from high-end highlighting kits (from Becca and Anastasia Beverly Hills) to drugstore offerings. The latter has really branched out lately. More and more brands are releasing their own shimmering highlights. 

Take Hard Candy and Revlon for example. Both brands have released many different types of highlights over the last little while. Most notably are the Just Glow! Rose Gold Highlighter and Photoready Insta-Fix Highlighting Stick in Pink Light. The rose gold highlight immediately caught my eye and I simply had to give it a try. (I have a serious weakness for rose gold makeup, jewellery, and well, anything!) The highlighting stick was generously given to me by my friend. With two new highlights floating around my collection....I thought I would do a little product vs. product type post. Here are the pros and cons of each.

Hard Candy. If there is one thing Hard Candy excels at, it is their face products. Things like blush and bronzer are always top notch. Knowing how much glow their baked blushes/bronzers have to them already....I was interested to try out a full blown highlight from their line. The fact that it was rose gold was really just the icing on the cake! The packaging is beautiful and the design on the highlight itself is gorgeous. Those little details give this product a luxurious feel. 

The highlight itself is broken up into three sections (a soft gold, a pink, and a bronze shade). They can be applied separately or together but I prefer to wear them together to really get that rose gold finish. It is so beautiful, nicely pigmented, and easy to blend. This works well as an everyday highlight but can be layered for a bolder night out look. I am loving this because it is so versatile and easy to use. 

Revlon. The next highlight we are talking about is from Revlon. I was so thrilled to receive this as a birthday gift from my friend. It was super sweet of her and I could not wait to try it! Though, I was good and waited until my actual birthday to start incorporating it into my everyday looks. This product comes in a stick format (which is handy if you are travelling or want to throw this in your purse) and has a cream consistency. 

The shade is more on the white/very pale pink shade and is super reflective. If you want a bold highlight, this will work well. One quick application leads to serious results! For an even more dramatic look, the product can be built-up and layered. It is buildable, easy to blend, and super shimmery. I absolutely love it! 

Since both highlighting products wowed me....I could not choose a favourite. So I decided to wear both of them together. I started with the Revlon cream highlight and layered the rose gold highlight from Hard Candy over top. That created a stunning (and oh-so-shimmery) finish on the cheek. Take a look and let me know what you think....

Both of these drugstore highlighters are absolutely stunning. They work well, have great packaging (either beautiful to look at or super practical), and last all day long. I was very impressed with the quality and colour payoff.

Have you tried these highlights? Which is your favourite?

xo Shannon


  1. amazing, u look beautiful dear- So interesting post daring,love it!
    Wish you nice day!

    New post is on my blog.
    Visit me, Maleficent

  2. Nice product dear thanks for sharing 😊

  3. Nice look

  4. Using the Revlon and HC together was a brilliant idea! You look fab:) I've always love Revlon so Imma gonna check that one out first.

  5. wow I love your make up Dear, you look beautiful:*

  6. Your makeup is so natural :) You look very pretty <3
    Wonderful post dear <3
    Beauty and Fashion Freaks


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