Sunday, January 21, 2018

paris hilton week: makeup review (lip set + highlight)

It is always exciting when two of your interests collide. For instance, Paris Hilton and makeup. I'd head about her makeup line for ages but was never able to get my hands on it. (It wasn't being sold in my country at the time.) Then, on a trip to the USA several months back....I found some. Excited? Me? Absolutely. Whether or not the makeup was actually any good....well that was another question altogether. If you have been wondering about the Paris Hilton makeup line, keep reading. Today's post is a review of her lip set and cream highlighter.

Paris Hilton Cosmetics Blush Lip Art Palette

There it is...the very first piece of Paris Hilton Cosmetics I ever held in my hands. I managed to find this one at a Ross For Less in the England for a mere $1.49. In that moment, I was positively giddy. Paris Hilton makeup for a crazy low price? Yes please! This is a pretty standard lip set. It comes in cardboard packaging but has a magnetic closure on the front. There are eight lipstick shades to choose from and honestly, they are wonderful in terms of pigmentation. These lipsticks look exactly like they do in the palette when you apply them to the lips. Bold, colourful, and creamy.

Both the texture and pigmentation are fabulous. I especially enjoy the second shade in the set...that gorgeous soft pink. It is so Paris. There is also a really shimmery gloss on the end, which adds a nice amount of variety to the set. On the back of the palette, there are also diagrams that show you how to blend the colors to create fabulously plump lips. Such a nice little extra. That means these can be worn alone or mixed and matched to create a custom colour.

The only drawback here is of course, the format. While lip sets like this are great for at-home use...they aren't so great when you are on the go. Personally, I am unlikely to carry around an entire lip palette in my purse. So touch ups are a no-go. However, for short excursions...this is a stellar set.

Paris Hilton Cosmetics Iridescent Glow Stick

The second item that I discovered that day was this highlighting stick. It was at Ross For Less for just $3.99. This comes in gorgeous shiny packaging, has a round twist up stick inside with a twist off cap (which gives it a nice seal to prevent the product from drying out). There is also a ton of highlight included. I have used this day in and day out...and it looks like I've barely touched it! This will definitely last for a really long time.

When it comes to the highlight itself, this is a cream product. (Which is a nice change from all of the powder highlighers that are currently in my makeup collection!) It goes on smoothly and thanks to the stick format, it slides easily along the cheekbones. In short? This Paris Hilton product has great packaging, is easy to use, and looks absolutely stunning.

This highlight gives a holographic kind of shine to the skin, with hints of blue and purple. It looks magical, whimsical, and mermaid-esque. Wear it alone for a dewy and iridescent finish or layer in underneath a powder highlight for some serious shine. This has quickly become one of my favourite highlighting products...and one of the shining stars of my makeup collection. If you happen to see this, pick it up. It is a winner!

There are an awful lot of Paris Hilton cosmetics out there. These are a couple of the ones that have entered my life lately. Not only did I snag these for amazing prices but the quality was impressive. Whether or not you are a fan of hers...this is a standout makeup line to pay attention to.

On another note....I just wanted to say that I hope you all enjoyed Paris Hilton week, here on Mansa Fashion. Definitely let me know if there are any other theme weeks you would like to see in the future.

Have you tried any Paris Hilton makeup?

Editing Note: Since Paris Hilton has decided to publicly support an abusive man, her products will no longer be reviewed on Mansa Fashion. All previous reviews will remain, but no new content will be shared. 

xo Shannon


  1. I love the colors, just perfect:)

    1. They are definitely super pretty! Thank you for stopping by!

  2. Wow! Amazing colors! Great review dear ♥
    Wish you a lovely day!

    Dream Destinations

  3. look perfect! amazing colors i love this! :)
    kisses from Poland :*

  4. The shade are cute and sweet, love the color theme. Might try this!

    The Flower Duet

    1. Definitely give it a try if you are able to get your hands on it!

  5. i really like the paris hilton colors!

    1. There are so many pretty shades in there! Thank you for commenting :)


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