Friday, January 5, 2018

simple and effective beauty hacks.

Life gets busy. Our schedules are jam packed with work, appointments, get-togethers and to do lists. That makes it especially important to find ways to save time and money. It might seem impossible – but guess what? There are plenty of ways to speed up your beauty routine, spend less cash on products, and work around common beauty hiccups. Are you ready? These beauty hacks are the perfect way to simplify your busy life.

Beauty Hack: Lighten Your Foundation With Moisturizer

We have all been there. That gorgeous new foundation looked like a perfect match in the store. Now that you are home? You’ve discovered it is simply too dark for your skin tone. What is a girl to do? Throw it out? Mix and match? The answer is to add moisturizer to your new foundation. Mix moisturizer and foundation together and then apply it to your face. This will lighten the shade and sheer out the coverage. That makes it easier to wear.

Beauty Hack: Use Vaseline To Make Your Perfume Last Longer

You are out and about when suddenly you realize your perfume has faded into the abyss. Even though you applied the right amount before you left the house, your favourite scent has failed to make it through the day. How annoying! Work around this issue with a little Vaseline. That’s right. Simply take a small amount of Vaseline and apply it to your wrists and neck. When you spray your perfume, it will cling to the Vaseline, making the scent last longer. Easy!

Beauty Hack: Make The Most Of Your Toothbrush

There are so many beauty tools we keep on hand. Like lip exfoliators and brow brushes. In a pinch? Use a toothbrush to do the job. For starters, a toothbrush can be used to remove dead skin cells from your lips. Wet the brush and gently rub your lips in a circular motion. Finish off by applying a little bit of lip balm. Ta da! Gorgeous exfoliated lips. You can also use your toothbrush on your brows. Apply a bit of hairspray to the brush then comb it through your brows. This will help stray hairs stay put.

Beauty Hack: Perfect Your Eye Makeup With Clear Tape

This next beauty hack is one I have used time and time again. Trust me. It works! Love the cat-eye look? Want to make your eyeshadow super defined and dramatic? Then clear tape is going to be your new best friend. Apply a small strip of clear tape from the corner of each eye. Use the tape as a guide for your eyeliner or eyeshadow. Remove the tape – and you will be left with the perfect line. (Just make sure you apply the tape at the same angle on both eyes.)

Other Beauty Hacks: Still looking for some helpful beauty hacks? Then you are in luck! Here are a few more to test and try out. Use a spoon to prevent mascara from ruining your eye makeup or add peppermint oil to your favourite gloss for an instantly plumped pout.

These are a few of my favourite beauty hacks. Which ones have you tried?

xo Shannon


  1. Great post, really interesting!
    Happy new year beauty!
    Kisses, Paola.

  2. Amazing hacks! I already use clear tape for an eye makeup and It's fantastic! Great post dear ♥

    Clear signs that a man seriously likes you

  3. Wow, amazing post, love it! ♥
    Maybe follow for follow?


  4. Love it, such a great post!! Followed you so hope we can support each other xx

  5. I ALWAYS use the clear sticky tape for the most precise cat eye look possible, it really, really works! ;)

  6. These are good hacks!


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