Tuesday, March 6, 2018

chasing your dreams and staying motivated

We all have big dreams, well thought out plans, and hopes for the future. Sometimes they have to do with our personal lives and other times they relate to our careers. Whatever those big dreams may be – it is important to stay motivated. Honestly? That can be tough sometimes. There are so many people chasing their own dreams, it all starts to feel impossible. It's not! Keep your head held high and push through. It is the best possible way to achieve success. Still not feeling cool, calm, and confident? Here are a few tips to help you stay motivated….

Celebrate Any And All Small Moments of Glory.  Did you know on of the biggest reason people give up on their dreams has nothing to do with their dreams being out of reach. It has to do with the way they look at those dreams. Say for instance, you want to become a television actor. You have your sights set on a great project from a reputable network. Maybe even playing the lead. Those dreams are amazing – and keep you working hard – but they take time to achieve. On your path to superstardom (or whatever you happen to be working towards) remember one thing: celebrate the small stuff. It might not be a spot on the hottest new TV show…but a guest appearance, an audition, or a local theater production is a step in the right direction. Progress counts.

Focus On The Positive Things You Are Doing. Losing steam? Feel like giving up? Now is the time to re-focus your mind. Rather than think about how far away your goals are or wondering if they will ever come into fruition, list the good things. Write out a list of all the positive things you are doing in your life right now. Jot down all of the things that are helping you get closer to your goals. It could be something like applying for jobs consistently, improving your skills, networking, or even taking better care of yourself.

Have Someone You Can Rely On. It’s amazing what a little support can do. Talking out your fears and frustrations can make a world of difference when your motivation starts to slip. It could be a friend, family member, mentor, or even a life coach. The key is to have someone you trust to hear you out, guide you, and help you stay on the right path. Take the weight off of your shoulders. Get the support and encouragement you need! There is no shame in asking for help and relying on others. In fact, that only makes you stronger.

Still stuck? Not to worry....here are a few more suggestions: 
  • Step away from it for a day or two. This will allow you to re-assess your progress and fully commit yourself to chasing your dreams.
  • Think about where your dream came from. Have you always wanted to help others? Be in the spotlight? Build a successful career? Think about the reasons you started this journey – and where that initial motivation came from.
  • Read inspirational quotes. You’d be amazed at the power of a good quote! A few lines can inspire you to keep going. A personal favourite is, “If you can’t believe in miracles, then believe in yourself. When you want something bad enough, let that drive push you to make it happen. Sometimes you’ll run into brick walls that are put there to test you. Find a way around them and stay focused on your dream. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” (Isabel Lopez)

Feeling inspired? Motivated? Ready to take on the world? Good! That is exactly how you should be feeling right now. Chasing your dreams is not always the easiest path…. but often it is the most rewarding. Don’t give up. You can achieve anything with persistence and the right attitude.


  1. I love this post! Thanks for sharing! :)


  2. I love your post, beautiful as always:)

  3. What a great post, Shannon. Thank you so much for these inspiring words. We all get lost sometimes on our way to our goals, and you're so right that it's so easy to lose steam and be disheartened. The "tips" you shared above are definitely something to remember to keep us going:)

    1. You are very right about that! Everyone feels lost sometimes, especially when you are working so hard to accomplish something. So glad you enjoyed the post. That means a lot to me!

  4. Excellent tips to stay constantly motivated and never giving up! :)


  5. Great post dear ♥♥


  6. I was looking for blog like this!!! Love when someone is writing about personal development and stuff like it. I really like you blog!

    Also, i followed you, so if you'd like to check out my blog and follow me back: http://happybutmess.blogspot.hr/

    1. That makes me happy! So glad you were able to get something positive from the post. Thank you for all of your support!

  7. Great tips. Right now only think in positive thoughts...
    Xoxo from Portugal



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