Thursday, March 22, 2018

kat von d studded kiss lipstick zero (review)

I have been looking everywhere for one specific shade of lipstick. I could see it....a matte taupe with mauve undertones. Not too dark and not too light. I thought my search was finally over when the Kylie Cosmetics liquid lipstick, Moon caught my eye, but it was always out of stock. So, I went though my fair share of drugstore products, including but not limited to Concrete Jungle and Carnal Brown, and Huntress by Maybelline as well as Hit the Pavement by Hard Candy. None of them were quite right. Even scouring the shelves at Sephora seemed fruitless. Until I locked eyes on Zero by Kat Von D.

Could it be? Was this the one? I pulled out the tester with baited breath, swatched, and finally, finally rejoiced. I'd found it. Wondering what it looks like? How the formula performs? If it has staying power? Keep reading. This is everything you need to know about my dream lipstick shade.

Colour and Pigmentation

If you couldn't tell from the introduction to this post...the colour is perfection. Though it may not be everyone's cup of tea, it was exactly what I was looking for. The taupe-mauve shade is definitely an unusual one. But that is what makes it so special! It stands out for all the right reasons. This particular Studded Kiss lipstick has a matte finish and is intensely pigmented. The colour can be built up but one swipe does the trick, in my opinion. 

Formula and Staying Power

There are an awful lot of the Studded Kiss lipsticks floating around in my makeup collection. The reason is simple: I absolutely love the packaging (it is edgy, bold, and makes a statement) and the colour selection. Kat Von D definitely knows how to push the boundaries when it comes to lipstick shades. From green to blue, yellow, purple, and every other imaginable shade...she has got you covered. When it comes to Zero, the colour itself is amazing but so is the formula. It has incredible staying power (I wore it out on a shopping trip and didn't need to re-apply it) and feels fairly comfortable. Though her Studded Kiss lipsticks tend to be a little on the dry side, a dab of lip balm is all you need. 

Overall Impressions

Obsessed is probably the best way to describe my feelings for this particular lipstick. I cannot get over the colour...and the fact that I was actually able to find the shade that I had been dreaming about for months. It is gorgeous and can be incorporated into a ton of different makeup looks. I absolutely love this and find myself making excuses to wear it. 

Rating: 4.5 / 5

Yes, I am head over heels in love with Zero. The shade is spectacular and the lipstick itself has incredible longevity. Every single time I wear it, I feel powerful, strong, and confident. Consider me impressed!

Have you tried this lipstick? What do you think of the colour?


  1. Damn!! This is such a cool and bold shade! Love it!!
    You have such an awesome blog!! I’m following and I would love if you could follow me too ;)

    TheNotSoGirlyGirl // Instagram // Facebook

    1. Seriously! I am so addicted to this colour. It is totally different in the best possible way. Thank you so much for your support. Following you :)

  2. Hi :) I haven't tried any of the studded kiss lipsticks
    but for what you say they seem really nice and good quality!
    This colour is beautiful and i absolutely love the packaging!
    I just discovered your blog and im following you :)

    1. They are really great! I have quite a few of them and the colour selection is fantastic. Thank you so much for the support! Following you back :)

  3. Wow that shade looks amazing on you!
    I never tryed any product from kat von d, but I heard it products are super good :)

    Blog ♡ SimplyNeca | Instagram

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate that. She has a ton of really standout products...hopefully you are able to try them sometime!

  4. Looks so pretty! I keep postponing getting me some of these lipsticks, but your post just got me one step closer to finally doing so. :D



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