Monday, March 12, 2018

top 5 favourites series: blush

It is my weakness. Whenever a gorgeous new blush crosses my path, it simply must become part of my (always expanding) blush collection. Though I have gotten a lot better over the last little while...there is still a ton of blush floating around in my makeup room. I just love it! It constantly amazes me how the right shade can transform a look, give it polish, and pull everything together. Out of the many products I have used over the years, there are a few that continue to stand out. So, here it is! This is my list of the top five favourite blushes.

  1. NARS in the shade Deep Throat. One of my all-time favourite brands is NARS and the main reason is their blush selection. The quality of the blushes are top-notch with a smooth texture and stunning they have incredible colours like Deep Throat. It is a warm peachy-pink with a soft glowy finish. It goes well with almost every makeup look and is flattering on a wide range of skin tones. 
  2. Sally Hansen Natural Beauty in the shade Fawn. Truthfully? I have had this blush for ages. The packaging is broken and is generally in rough shape. That being said, this is probably my favourite blush of all time. Everything about it is perfection. This blush is warm, rosy, and gives the cheeks a flawless pop of colour that doesn't look too overwhelming or obvious. It can be paired with smokey eye looks, colourful styles, or an ultra natural creation.
  3. Hard Candy in Pin Up. This baked blush is definitely high up on my list of all-time favourites. It is definitely my most used! Though there is still a fair amount of product left, it was originally it has worn down a lot. I wear this everyday to work because it is neutral, bronzey, and adds a nice amount of glow to the cheeks. It is like a bronzer, blush, and highlight all in one! 
  4. NYX Ombre Blush in Feel the Heat. I'll be honest. I love a bold blush shade every now and again. Especially during the summer months! That is when shades like Feel the Heat really shine. I love oranges, corals, and brighter shades during those warmer times of the year and this is one that has gotten a lot of use. The ombre style makes this a little more versatile, so I can make things more intense or keep them a little softer.
  5. Wet n Wild in Solar Powered. Okay, so I kind of cheated, since this is a trio, but there are two blush shades in here that are tied on my list. That really warm toned rose blush (can you tell I love warm blush shades?) and that shimmery golden bronze. These look great on tanned skin, which makes them perfect for spring and summer, but can also be used to warm up my naturally pale skin in the fall and winter. 
These are my top five favourite blushes...though there are plenty more that just missed the cut. If you are interested in seeing some more favourites, definitely let me know! 

What is your favourite blush shade?


  1. Hi Shannon! I really like Nyx blushes, I´ve got an Ombre blush in Mauve me and I love it. Have a nice day!

    1. That sounds like such a gorgeous blush shade! NYX is awesome.

  2. They look all so pretty! <3

    1. They really are! Thank you so much for stopping by :)

  3. Deep Throat by Nars is so cute! My favourite one is Mata Hari from Nars, i love it ^^

    1. It is definitely a standout shade. I'll have to look into Mata Hari :)

  4. No conocía estos productos! Gracias por tu visita!💜💜💜

  5. must try the mars blush! everyone loves it so much!! :)


  6. OMG! That NYX looks beautiful. I'll be sure to check that out:) And I have the NARS Orgasm which I used to love. I'll have to try the Deep Throat coz that seems more suited to my complexion.

    1. Orgasm is a great blush as well! I used to use that one all the time.

  7. Your five fav blushes all seem lovely. I do like the shades you displayed here. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Glad you like them! Thank you so much for stopping by :)

  8. very interesting products :) unfortunately I did not have any, but I would like to try them all :) a great entry!
    kisses from Poland :*

    1. Thank you so much! Do you have a blush shade that you use often?


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