Friday, April 6, 2018

how long does it take you to get ready?

It’s a personal question. One few people have ever dared to ask me. One that takes a lot of nerve. So, just what is this dreaded question? How long does it take you to get ready? Whether we are styling our hair before work or getting glammed up for a girls night out…. our beauty rituals can range from 5 minute face to a head to toe polish. It’s interesting. Survey after survey has been conducted on this very topic and people are desperate to find out a definitive answer. Yes, they want to know just how long it takes the average woman to get ready.

One of the more interesting surveys on this topic compared the time women spent getting ready to hang out with girl friends as opposed to a night out with a partner. Turns out, women spend more time getting dressed up for a girls night as opposed to a hot date. I started thinking about this – and realized just how true that is. There is something exciting about getting ready to hang out with close friends. Maybe you picked up a new accessory or can’t get enough of that tropical print maxi dress. Chances are, your significant other won’t be quite as excited about that necklace or dress as you are. But your friends? They will be all over it! Maybe that is what makes getting ready so exciting. It gives you the chance to feel your best, strut your stuff, and show off a little.

For me? The amount of time it takes me to get ready varies. I can get done up in fifteen minutes or I can spend hours and hours primping. It all comes down to how much time I have, where I’m going, and whether I need to get away from it all and just relax. That is the best thing about styling your hair, doing your makeup, and picking out the perfect outfit, in my opinion. While some days it can seem like a daunting task…. other days it perks you up, makes you excited, and allows you to express how you feel in a visual way.

Some women may take longer than others – and some might be able to get ready in a jiffy – but what it comes down to is the process. The process of getting ready allows us to just be. To step away from the stresses of everyday life and focus on ourselves. With our schedules become more and more packed with responsibilities and to-do lists, this is a truly wonderful thing. So, how long does it take me to get ready? As long as I want!

What is your getting ready process like? What does it mean to you?


  1. For day to day, I'm literally in and out of the, 5 minutes. But yeah...if I'm hanging out with friends especially at night, it takes awhile. It's not the makeup but the hair! It takes me awhile to make it look decent!

    1. That is really impressive! For work, I try to keep it between 10-15 minutes. Nothing crazy for day-to-day!

  2. Great post, dear! Looks interesting :)
    Hugs ♥
    Liana Laurie

  3. Hello Shannon this is an interesting question. For me it varies since I don’t wear make up on daily basis I get ready very quickly, when I wash my hair on contrary this takes a long time because I have curls. Have a nice weekend

    1. That totally makes sense! I always find that hair takes way longer than makeup. Which is why most of the time, I keep my hairstyles super simple.

  4. Running late is my cardio :D I usually sleep to long and i don't have a time to eat breakfast in my home

    1. Haha, I love that...and totally relate! Sometimes, it seems no matter what, I am running out the door.

  5. Replies
    1. You are impressive! Thank you for all of your support!


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