Monday, April 30, 2018

mall haul: sephora, hot topic, and payless

Nothing like last minute plans! My weekend was meant to be relaxing, with absolutely nothing planned or on the to do list. This is a rare occurrence. Then, out of nowhere, I got an invite for a movie and a bit of shopping. Though part of me was disappointed that my blissful weekend of lounging was gone....there was another part of me that was excited to go out and be social. (For the record, the movie we ended up seeing was "I Feel Pretty" by Amy Schumer and there will be a review of sorts posted here in the next couple of days!) The shopping itself was really fun and we checked out an awful lot of places. So, on that note, here is my latest mall haul.

Sephora: Tarte Be a Mermaid & Make Waves Eyeshadow Palette

It just wouldn't be a trip to the mall without a stop at Sephora. There was nothing in particular that I was looking for...yet this mermaid inspired palette from Tarte wound up coming home with me. Everything about it makes me smile. Not only is this called Be a Mermaid & Make Waves (anything mermaid themed is automatically amazing) but the packaging is fabulous. Expect a full review on this in the next little while. So far, I am loving the warm neutrals and shimmers.

Hot Topic: Riverdale Merch, Disney Accessories, and a Drag Tee

Honestly, I think Hot Topic is the most dangerous store in the mall for me. More dangerous than Sephora, even! It seems to have everything that I want and then some. While there, I picked up a few Riverdale related items (an adorable Jughead t-shirt to add to the collection and a Riverdale themed choker set), a Lilo and Stitch necklace, and a Katya Zamolodchikova t-shirt (because she is amazing and you can never have too many drag queen tees). I also found an Elena of Avalor Funko Pop! but she is not pictured because she is already on my shelf. But trust me, she is adorable! 

Payless: Christian Siriano Soft Pink Bow Purse

Everyone has that designer that just makes them swoon. For me, there are a handful of examples, and Christian Siriano is definitely high up on the list. Not only do I adore his design aesthetic but I think it is amazing that he dresses women of all shapes, sizes, and colours....and makes his pieces affordable for every possible budget. The beauty pictured above is a prime example of the latter. I found it at Payless and I am totally obsessed! It is pink, has a massive bow, and is the perfect example of sophisticated glamour. 

Sometimes, last minute plans are exactly what you need. Especially when it involves a trip to the mall and a movie that makes you feel good. Right now? These items are making me smile and inspiring me to have fun this season. 

Have you done any shopping lately? What do you think of this mall haul?


  1. That bag is so pretty, I love the colour and design xx

    Linses Cotton • Linses Cotton Etc . ❤️

    1. Thank you! I really loved the colour as well. I think it'll be perfect for the sunny spring weather :)

  2. Replies
    1. Of course! I hope you are having a wonderful day!

  3. nice! I love Tarde mermaid brushes!
    have a great week!

    1. Oh that is awesome! Tarte is definitely a great brand :)

  4. The eye-shadow looks amazing.
    The bag is also very nice.


    1. Thank you! I am very excited about the eyeshadow palette :)

  5. YESSSS! Hot Topic is such a dangerous place for me too...more than other stores that I actually try to avoid it! So many band shirts and HP's heaven in there!:D
    And that's such a cool bag. You're so gonna rock it!
    PS Can't wait to see your looks from that palette.:)

    1. Oh my gosh, me too! Sometimes, I just have to steer clear of Hot Topic if I know that I am trying to limit my spending. There is just too much to choose from! Thank youuuu <3

  6. Que lindas peças amei a bolsa, obrigado pela visita.


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