Sunday, April 22, 2018

new in: paris hilton cosmetics (brushes and holographic lip glosses)

Though it hasn't been long since my last post about Paris Hilton Cosmetics, I was recently able to track down a few new items from her collection. This is no easy feat! Finding makeup from her line requires lots of browsing and wishful thinking. So, when I came across the Beauty & the Blush makeup brush set and the Pretty Fun and Fearless holographic lip gloss set (on sale!), these simply had to come home with me. How do these perform? Are they standouts or so-so? Here is everything you need to know about these Paris Hilton products.

Beauty & the Blush - 3 Piece Brush Essentials

It's true. I am a complete and total sucker for cute packaging and flashy beauty products. Which is how I wound up purchasing this brush set, knowing full well that it would be difficult to use. As you can see from the picture above, the brushes look like roses. The handles are thin and even have faux thorns jutting out every now and then. They are painted in gorgeous mermaid-type colours (pink, purple, turquoise, and gold) and have a stunning metallic finish. The bristles come out of the flower on top to create the illusion of a rose. Amazing, right? I love the Beauty and the Beast inspiration and of course, how incredible these look both in and out of the package. The only snag is that these are clumsy to use and as a result, it is unlikely that I will reach for them on a regular basis. 

Pretty Fun and Fearless - Holographic Lip Gloss

Some of the items in my Paris Hilton makeup collection are iridescent or holographic, which ties in nicely to the unicorn/mermaid-esque theme the recent products seem to be focused on. Many of them are absolutely fabulous. Pigmented, pretty, and totally out of the box. Sadly, this holographic lip gloss set is seriously lacking in the pigmentation part. It comes with four shades (a pink, yellow, blue, and purple) but when swatched or worn on the lips, they all kind of look the same. They have a nice shimmery finish but don't look holographic. Even when layered on top of another lipstick. Such a letdown! I really wanted these to be amazing because the tubes are gorgeous and they honestly looked so stunning. Ahh well, you win some you lose some.

Though my Paris Hilton makeup collection is always growing...these products were so-so for me. The brushes look gorgeous but aren't easy to use while the lip glosses have incredible packaging but lack the pigmentation needed to really see that holographic finish come to life. Even though these aren't exactly what I hoped they would be, you'd better believe I will keep searching for more Paris Hilton Cosmetic products! 

Have you tried these? Are you a fan of Paris Hilton makeup?

Editing Note: Since Paris Hilton has decided to publicly support an abusive man, her products will no longer be reviewed on Mansa Fashion. All previous reviews will remain, but no new content will be shared. 


  1. These looks so cool.

    1. The brushes definitely are! Thank you for visiting :)

  2. Estupendo trabajo tienes en tu blog! Las fotos son preciosas!feliz semana bonit@!💜💜💜

  3. ;D

    Adorei tudo! Queria! hehehe!

    Ótimo domingo!

    Beijo! ^^

  4. I need it!!

    1. Absolutely! She has some really great products. Thanks for reading!

  5. Love the other brushes on the right side, they kind of look like flower stems. That's really nice!

    The Flower Duet

    1. Yes, they do! Such a cute idea for a brush design!

  6. I did not know that Paris had created such a line! Thanks for the info!

    1. Yes! She has a ton of really great products. I am always excited when I find some.

  7. Paris Hilton create cosmetics and tools? I don´t know before... the holo brushes looks very nice :)

    Isa | My Beauty Blog

    1. She does! I have enjoyed a lot of her products, for sure.


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