Thursday, June 7, 2018

beginner series: how to make your eyeshadow last

Creased eyeshadow is every beauty lovers worst nightmare. Don't happens to the best of us. Though you only left the house a few hours ago, your gorgeous smoky eye is now anything but stunning. Eyeshadow is a fantastic way to draw attention to your gorgeous peepers and get creative at the same time, but without the right products, it rarely stays where you want it to. Not to worry! It is time to achieve longer lasting eyeshadow in three easy steps.

Start With an Eyeshadow Primer. Want your eyeshadow to stay put? Then you need to start your eye makeup routine with a primer. There are plenty on the market – and there is something for many different budgets. (For instance, the Hard Candy Eyeshadow Primer is $5 while the Urban Decay Eye Primer is $24.) To use, apply a thin layer of the eyeshadow primer using your fingers or a brush before you add on any eyeshadow. Not only will this help your makeup to last longer and be crease free, but it will also make the shadows you use look more vibrant and colourful.

Layer Cream and Powder Products. For more staying power, layer, layer, and layer some more. This is the most effective way to keep your powder products right where you left them. Start by grabbing a cream eyeshadow and applying it all over the lid. (Stick to a neutral shade or choose a cream shadow shade that is similar to the eyeshadow look you are creating.) Then apply your powder shadows right on top. The powder  will cling to the cream product, helping it to stay put. Creasing? No way. Your eyeshadow will last all day and all night with ease.

Make The Most of Setting Spray. We all have those Holy Grail makeup products. For some it is finishing powder and for others it is blush. For me? It is setting spray. More specifically, the Urban Decay DewMe Moisturizing Setting Spray. (It is perfect for dry skin or for the winter season but has sadly been discontinued. Thankfully, Urban Decay has a lot of other great setting spray options as well.) Setting spray is amazing because it seals and protects your makeup. Not just your eye makeup but the rest of your face as well. That means your eyeshadow is less likely to crease and the rest of your makeup will stay put. When you pair this step with primer and layering, trust me. Your eyeshadow will not budge.

Other Long Lasting Shadow Tips: Still concerned about the state of your eyeshadow? Don’t be! Here are a few other tips to make your eyeshadow stand the test of time. The first is to dust translucent powder on your eyelids before you apply any shadow. This will get rid of oils on your eyelids…which is what leads to creasing in the first place. The next tip is to apply your shadow with a brush rather than your fingers. Since your fingertips touch multiple surfaces they can hold onto oils and other substances. That leads to shadow breaking down much faster than normal.

Something else I wanted to share with you all today is my new YouTube video. It features tons and tons of lipsticks from Hard Candy (which you may remember from my last theme week, is a brand I absolutely adore).....take a look!

Why settle for eye makeup that constantly needs to be touched up? You deserve so much more. Incorporate these long lasting eyeshadow tips into your makeup routine. You will be saying so long to creasing before you know it.


  1. Hello :)
    i've never tried Hard Candy brand but i feel tempted to try it after watching your video :D! (especially some of those lipsticks!). When it comes to eyeshadow i like to use an eye primer and set it with some clear pact powder :D i also use fixing spray!!
    have a nice day!

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. It really is a wonderful brand. If you can get your hands on any of the products, I highlight recommend it! A primer is a fantastic place to start. Great suggestions! :)

  2. Great tips, and the lip shades are all pretty. You look beautiful, carina!

    The Flower Duet

    1. Aww thank you so much! And yes, those lip colours are totally gorgeous.

  3. That tip is really useful.
    Thanks for sharing.


    1. So glad you thought so! Thank you for stopping by :)

  4. Nice eyeshadows dear. I wish you a lovely weekend. :)

    1. Thank you! I hope you have a great weekend as well :)

  5. Hi:)
    great suggestions in this article...
    Do you want follow each other?
    Fashion on the Clouds Blog ☀☀☀

    1. Thank you so much! And for sure :)

    2. Thank you dear, you are so kind and if you want I have also Twitter Instagram and Facebook :) I leave you my links, thanks!
      My Facebook ☀
      My Twitter ☀☀
      My Instagram ☀☀☀

    3. Wonderful! Following you on Instagram :)

  6. These are great eyeshadow tips, Shannon! I definitely think that layering the cream and powder shadows is a must. When I used to do wedding makeup, that's one thing I always did (along with the waterproof mascara:D). And thanks for the Hard Candy vid:) That's such a great set, and I can't believe you got it for $2? WUT?!?!? I am loving the look of the Metallic line, and I don't mind sticky glosses so I actually like the sound of the Wet Ever line too:)
    Have a lovely weekend!
    PS Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on my Kate Spade post. That's so awesome that you had a KS bracelet for your wedding. Her death was truly a shock:(

    1. Thank you so much! And yes to waterproof mascara. It always saves the day on special occasions. You are so right....her death truly was shocking and upsetting for all of us who loved her work and what her brand stands for. <3 <3

  7. Such great tips, thank you so much for this! I constantly find my eyeshadow fading to almost nothing through the day, I'd kind of given up on it haha! Those Hard Candy shades are gorgeous, you look beautiful :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara

    1. I hear you on that! It has happened to me more times than I can count. Thankfully, there are ways to prevent it! Thank you for stopping by :)

  8. I loved your video!!! Theses lipsticks are so nice !!! | Instagram

    1. Aww thank you so much! I really appreciate that :)

  9. this is a nice video
    Check out the new Blogger update

  10. I love those tips, thank you so much for sharing!
    Would you like to follow each other ? Let me know:

  11. Amazing post!!!


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