Monday, June 11, 2018

my new john denver tshirts

Music has a way of filling in the gaps. It's incredible how the simple sounds of a familiar melody can make you feel whole. Almost like coming home again. Or reconnecting to your true self. That is how I feel every single time I listen to John Denver. Though most people my age have absolutely no clue who he is, let alone his most popular songs, his artistry has inspired me in ways that I cannot even begin to describe. Though I have been a fan for most of my life (which I mentioned in my fashion post here and even my list of favourite Christmas CDs), it is in more recent years that my fandom transformed into a true love affair.

For the last several years, I have listened to John Denver's music almost every single day, simply because I love it so much. His passion for others, the environment, and his belief that we can create positive change in this world is more relevant now than ever before. At times, it feels like our society is falling apart, with despair and destruction lurking around every corner. Listening to his music is a reminder that there is good in this world and that deep down, we are all connected. He inspires me to live a life of love, acceptance, joy, and hope. Whether you know his music or not...I hope this message speaks to you, too. (Anyone interested in hearing his music can check out his website or listen to my current favourite song, Windsong.)

Since my love of John Denver is never-ending, I am always keeping tabs on his online store. In the past, I have ordered a few records and a few t-shirts. Though there is one item in particular I have been dreaming of for ages (a pillow that says "Far Out" on one side and "John Denver" on the other side), a sale came up recently, and I could not resist adding a few t-shirts to my online cart. As you can see from the photo above, each one is just a little bit different.

The first, is a holiday themed shirt. What I like best about it is the fact that the snowflake has hidden JD initials throughout. This is one that I will be wearing a lot but even more often during the holiday season! The second shirt is probably my favourite for the sheer fact that it looks aged (distressed lettering and a 70s concert date) and the back says Far Out, which is always a good thing. Then the last shirt was not on sale at all, but I instantly fell head over heels for it. This is a Rocky Mountain High inspired shirt with illustrations of the sky, trees, and beautiful waters.

Honestly, I love all of these. They are comfortable, easy to wear, and tell the world that I love John Denver! He should always be remembered....and sharing his message and his music is really important to me. So, thank you for allowing me to do that today.

Have you done any online shopping lately? What music inspires you?


  1. Nice post

  2. This is so cool. I love them

  3. Oh very cute tshirts darling

  4. They look really nice! I love music, it helps a lot ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

  5. ;D

    Adorei essas camisetas!

    Ótima terça!

    Beijo! ^^

  6. Hello dear, I do not know this musician, but reading your post has given me curiosity and I will inquire about his music, thanks for sharing!

    1. Aww, I hope you do! His music is incredible and so inspiring. Thank you!


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