Wednesday, July 4, 2018

easy ways to wear mirrored sunglasses.

Are you a fan? This summer there is one accessory you will want to add to your collection: mirrored sunglasses. If there is one accessory that continues to thrill celebrities and fashionistas alike, it has to be mirrored sunglasses. They take your outfit to a whole new level of amazing…. when styled right, that is. These reflective sunglasses are can be as dressy, casual, or fashion forward as you like. Best of all, you don’t need to have a celebrity sized budget to score a pair of your own. Feeling hesitant to try the trend? Not sure if you can pull off these bold sunnies? Here are a few easy (and stylish) ways to wear them….

Make Them Your Statement Piece. There is something about a good piece of statement jewellery that can transform even the simplest of outfits. Just think of the way that colourful necklace manages to jazz up that grey v-neck in your closet. Or how your neon orange bucket bag adds a fun pop of colour to any outfit you throw together. The same effect can be created with a pair of mirrored sunglasses. Choose them as your statement piece, then keep the rest of your accessories small and subtle or nice and neutral. That will make sure your gorgeous (and totally on trend) sunglasses are front and centre.

Create a Contrast Of Colour. One of the great things about mirrored sunglasses? They come in many different colours. Sure you can go with the basic mirrored effect, but you might also want to choose a pair that is blue, orange, or yellow. Why? These colours give you the opportunity to really play with colour. Wear a bolder shade like cobalt blue or bright red with your mirrored sunglasses. The contrast of that bold colour and your sunglasses will look absolutely incredible.

Wear Them With Soft Prints and Patterns. There is something exciting about summer fashion. It gives you the chance to wear bold colours and gorgeous prints. It might seem a little strange, but mirrored sunglasses are actually the perfect way to compliment all of that femininity. The hard edge of the glasses will make soft prints look fresh and fun – while giving your outfit a trendier appearance. That means you get the best of both worlds! Try wearing them with a pineapple printed top or a neon coloured dress.

Pair It With a Cool Girl Chic Outfit. Sometimes the simplest outfits are the best. Which is precisely why cool girl chic continues to be one of the most sought after looks. Celebrities like Nikki Boucherica Alba and Rachel Bilson have made it their signature style. You can too! Pair your mirrored sunglasses with a plain white tee, grey skinny jeans, and tan kitten heels. The glasses will give your outfit added excitement while making your laid back style appear even more dynamic.

Who said it was hard to pull of mirrored sunglasses? Simply grab a pair and see what works. There are so many ways to get inspired, have fun, and create an outfit worthy of the front page. 

Something else that is oh-so-perfect for summer is the Too Faced Life's a Festival eyeshadow palette. My latest YouTube video highlights a look I created using the set as well as a closer look at all of those gorgeous shades. Let me know what you think! 

How do you style mirrored sunglasses?


  1. Thanks for the beautiful post!
    Have a nice day)

    1. You are so welcome! I hope you have a great day as well :)

  2. É verdade. A marca tem produtos maravilhosos! ;)

    Boas maneiras! Adoro óculos espelhados!

    Ótima quarta!

    Beijo! ^^

  3. Hi dear! Your makeup is really beautiful!

  4. I love mirrored sunglasses!! Fabulous post, Shannon!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. I love them too! In fact, I wore a heart shaped pair today! Thank you so much :)

  5. Amei as dicas❤ gosto muito de óculos de sol espelhado bjs 😙

  6. Never had mirrored sunglasses, but I love the look! xx

  7. I LOVE mirrored sunglasses! So chic and nobody knows whether my eyes are opened or not ;)

    1. YES that is totally a great reason to love them. I always wear mirrored glasses when I am walking home and just want to be left alone, ha!

  8. Thank you for these tips...I have no idea how to choose the right shades.

    Jenny’s Bicycle-Indian Fashion Blog!!

    1. Sometimes, you just have to see what you are drawn to and go from there!

  9. I love these sunglasses, I have a few pairs with beautiful shades ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. They are totally gorgeous! So glad you have some :)

  10. I love these sunglasses, I will try this type of sunglasses:)
    Zaful Coupons

  11. Great suggestions. A mirrored sunglasses can easily change your appearance.


    1. They really can! Sunglasses are amazing accessories.

  12. I want a new pair of sunnies, and your post just made me want mirrored ones now! I do think they make great summer accessories. And thanks for the Too Faced palette review. The packaging is so cute and totally understand why you love it. I love the Unicorn Tears highlighter. You look fab:)

    1. Ahh, yay! You would look awesome in a pair of mirrored sunglasses. I am sure of it! Thank you so so much for your lovely comment. And yes, the Unicorn Tears highlighter is SO good.

  13. I think I need a pair of mirrored sunglasses and the festival palette in my life! Hope you're doing well Shannon! Thank you so much for the kinds words on my videos! :)

    1. Haha, I totally agree! Both are amazing! Thank you so much :)


  15. oh I love mirrored sunnies, always makes me feel so stylish!

  16. Hello dear,
    youre pic is so nice!

    Have a good day and weekend

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you have a great weekend as well :)


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