Friday, July 6, 2018

haul: zara, hot topic, hudson's bay, and more

Sometimes, an unplanned shopping trip is all you need. There is something about the mixture of companionship (spending time with a good friend while you browse through endless racks of clothing) and adventure (you might stumble upon something truly thrilling) that makes a day at the mall downright special. Not long ago....I was able to spend an impromptu afternoon doing a bit of shopping. Though I wasn't looking for anything specifically, several items managed to take my breath away. Of course, those items simply had to come home with me. Are you ready for a good old-fashioned mall haul? Here it is! 

Zara: Fringe Jacket and Purple Sweatshirt

Walking into Zara is kind of like walking into the unknown. One visit, there may be dozens of interesting items and the next, the store could be filled with pieces that are completely and totally bizarre. This time? I managed to do quite well. Though there were several items I was considering, I decided to splurge on a jacket and sweatshirt. The black denim jacket has studded fringe all along the front and back....and it is totally perfect for a concert that I have coming up! It is full of old-school country flair and it's unlike anything else in my wardrobe. The second piece is a purple sweater with the phrase "Things Written on a Sweatshirt" printed on the front. Talk about amazing! 

Hot Topic: Discount Disney Shirts

Disney always makes me happy. Whether I am visiting one of the parks or am watching a movie at home, I love the magic and wonder of Disney! Merchandise is typically pretty expensive at Hot Topic (one of my favourite stores), so I was ridiculously excited to find there was a huge sale going on. The two tops shown above were just $7. Score! The first is a Snow White tank top with red lace on the sleeves and the second is a burgundy Bambi t-shirt with a retro kind of print on the front. I absolutely love these pieces....and I loved the price as well.

Payless: Christian Siriano Purse

It is no secret that I am a huge fan of Christian Siriano. (In fact, I talked about him here on my blog many years ago!) His design aesthetic is incredible and I love that he strives to design pieces for every woman and at every price point. For instance, the bag shown above, is a vibrant metallic blue and has a definite 80s feel to it. Immediately, it caught my eye. It is bright, bold, and makes a statement. The fact that it was a mere $20 goes to show that style doesn't have to break the bank.

Hudson's Bay: Statement T-Shirt

I love fashion. As much as I adore gorgeous red carpet gowns and fabulous ensembles....I am a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl at heart. Sometimes, all you need is a cute and comfy shirt to boost your mood. This is definitely a great piece for that. Not only is it super comfortable and perfectly oversize, it stands out for all the right reasons. The Female AF shirt was one I found at Hudson's Bay and instantly knew I needed. I love that it makes a statement and is dedicated to being a proud confident woman!

Now and Then: CDs, CDs, and More CDs

Music has always been a massive part of my life. Which is why I have such a huge collection of albums. While I love the immediacy of iTunes and downloading a song or two, I always prefer to purchase a physical CD. (I know, I am totally old school. Especially when you factor in all of the records and cassette tapes in my collection as well.) Since I love CDs and music, one of my favourite stores in the mall is one that is loaded with music that is both old and new. They have such a diverse collection of CDs, records, DVDs, and memorabilia. It is definitely a dangerous place for me! On my most recent visit, I picked up a 3 CD collection from Ricky Nelson and a compilation of songs from classic Crooners like Frank Emma Grogantra and Bing Crosby. I also picked up a couple of new releases from Lily Allen and Christina Aguilera. I've listened to all of them already and really enjoyed each album.

Winners: Cute Summer Shirts

Yes, I love shopping but I also like saving money. Which is why discount shops like Winners and Marshalls are fun to spend time in. There were a couple of new shirts that caught my eye at Winners and they will be totally perfect for the summer. The first is a pink button down tank top with green pineapples printed all over. So cute! Then there is this super soft and comfortable Woodstock t-shirt. That was such a great find and totally taps into my love of music. 

Usually when you aren't looking for something specific...that is when you find the most! These items have been doing a great job of sprucing up my wardrobe and my boombox. 

Have you done any shopping lately?


  1. Thank you for sharing, I really enjoyed!

  2. Statement t-shirt is a must lately. And I can't be less excited about that. it just looks fantastic all the time.

    1. I totally agree with you on that one! Statement tees are amazing always!

  3. Nice post, thank you for sharing. Kisses! 🙂
    Check my last post:

  4. ;D

    Adorei! Fiquei encantada pela bolsa!

    Ótima sexta!

    Beijo! ^^

  5. All of your finds are so fabulous!! I especially love the beautiful purse!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. It's always nice when you find lots of great new items! I am loving that purse as well. The colour just took my breath away!

  6. Replies
    1. I am really loving it all! Thank you so much :)

  7. Such a nice haul, i love the fringe
    shirt from Zara and i need to buy Christina's new album
    because i make the collection of her albums :D (she is my favourite singer!)
    kisses :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. Fringe can be a lot of fun! Christina's album has a lot of great songs. You will love it! :) :)

  8. Such a lovely post. Thanks for sharing. kisses. ♥

  9. I love your shopping dear. :)

  10. Great haul, I love the Hot Topic shirts, they're awesome!

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Right?! Hot Topic always has the best stuff. I love shopping there.

  11. Omg, wow, wonderful haul, so nice items! I like all of them! I'm sure that you will enjoy wearing them! So lovely post darling.


    1. Aww thanks! I have really been enjoying everything so far :)

  12. Oh my gosh! Such amazing haul! ❀

    Would you like to follow each other? Lemme know :) ✿

    Blog de la Licorne


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