Tuesday, August 28, 2018

easy ways to perfect your brows.

Your makeup is perfect. One look in the mirror and you are thinking, wow, I look good. Your eyes pop, your cheeks are contoured, and your lips are glossy. There is just one thing missing: strong and sexy eyebrows. This is one step many of us have overlooked in the past but your brows actually hold a lot of power. They frame the face and draw even more attention to your gorgeous eyes. The key is to make them look their absolute best - without going over the top. This easy brow guide will help you find out how to score flawless eyebrows day after day.

Stop and Study Your Eyebrows. Before you reach for products and palettes it is important to stop and really look at your brows. What do you see? Are they too thin? Too full? Too long? Are there sparse areas? A high arch? Low arch? Take this opportunity to get to know your eyebrows. This is essential. It will help you understand what you need to do to make your eyebrows picture perfect.

Prep and Prepare the Area. Now you know more about your brows. The next step? Groom them to perfection. For this, you will need a pair of tweezers, a brow comb, and a pair of nail scissors (or small detail scissors). To trim any long eyebrow hairs, use your brow comb and brush the hair in an upward direction. Then trim down any hairs that are too long by using your nail scissors. (Any hairs longer than the natural shape of your brows are considered too long.) Then it is time to remove any unwanted hairs. Use your tweezers to remove stray hairs in between, above, or underneath your natural brow shape.

Use The Right Products. What you use matters. These days there are plenty of brow related products on the market, thanks to more recent brow trends. (Please, can we let the squiggle brow thing fade from our memories forever?) All of the new brow products are great , but not everything will be right for you. Consider your own preferences before you commit to a pricey makeup purchase. For instance, some people love the look a brow pencil gives, which tends to be more defined. Others prefer the softness of a brow powder or the diversity of a gel. Think about the look you want to create and go from there. Whether you opt for a pencil, powder, or tinted gel, the goal is to fill in sparse areas, create symmetry, and perfect your shape. 

Other Brow Perfecting Tips:

  • Avoid trying to copy someone else’s eyebrows. Many people want to re-create the brows of a celebrity or public figure. This can clash with the natural shape of your brows. Instead? Focus on making the most of what you have.
  • Trim carefully. You never want to over trim your eyebrows. This can alter the overall shape and aesthetic appearance of your brows. Make smaller cuts. You can always go back and trim more if necessary.
  • Choose a brow powder that is a shade or two lighter than your hair colour. This will prevent your eyebrows from looking too dramatic or over the top. Using a brow pencil? Go even lighter. This will keep your eyebrows looking polished, pretty, and natural.

Great eyebrows aren’t reserved for celebrities and makeup artists. They can be achieved easily - and at home no less! Stop skipping your brows and start creating an unforgettable look. These tips are all you need to make it happen.


  1. Really good post dear!

    New post:


  2. I loved the tips, it's really hard to control my eyebrows ahahah
    Blog An Aesthetic Alien | Instagram | Facebook

  3. Fabulous post!! I've never paid much attention to my eyebrows because they are so white-blond, they are practically invisible!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. I am a little jealous of that, not going to lie! Mine have always been so big and pronounced, so I spent my youth being really embarrassed by them. Thankfully, tips like these keep them in check!

  4. Love the tips, I need more practice, though!

    The Flower Duet

  5. I so agree that eyebrows are sooo important and also the most neglected by some peeps. When I was in makeup school, our teacher was such an eyebrow fanatic, and instilled in us how vital it is the whole look. These are such great tips, Shannon. I esp. like that one about not copying others. You really do have to find what looks good on you:)

    1. Very very true. I think it's awesome that you learned so much about brows in makeup school! And yes, it is so important to find what looks good on you instead of trying to look like other people.

  6. Great tips! I don't pay too much attention to my brows because they're always covered with my bangs but I like to paint the bold areas of them and fix them a bit ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

  7. Such a helpful tips! I actually like to trim my brows regularly so they will stay on place <3
    Thank you for sharing, dear :)



    1. Yes, that is such a great idea! Definitely good to keep up with maintenance.

  8. Great tips! I am still not sure whether my brows look ok and natural.

  9. Great post dear, so nice and interesting, love it!



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