Thursday, August 2, 2018

make august your best month yet

The countdown is on. Even though we are still in the midst of summer fun....the sad reality is that fall is just around the corner. It is August already! If the thought of scattered leaves and morning frost leaves you feeling a little depressed, there’s a one solution: make the most of summer! With several weeks left of summertime bliss, it is possible to make the last few weeks of sunshine both memorable and action packed.

Take a Look At Your To Do List

Maybe you wrote a summer to do list at the beginning of the season. You know, all of the seasonal activities you wanted to enjoy this year. Or maybe you never got around to writing it all down at all. Well, this is the time to either take a look at your list or create one now. Take a moment to ask yourself, what did you want to do that you haven’t yet? It might be to go for a long bike ride, head to a water park, or spend time on the patio with friends. Other suggestions include going to a theme park, splashing out on a girls night out, or have a picnic lunch. Come up with a realistic list and write it all down.

Actually Cross Things Off Your List

That leads us to the next tip: cross things off your to do list. It’s time to stop putting off summer plans and start making them a reality. Don’t say next week or later this summer. The clock is ticking, so do it now. It’s easy to get sidetracked…but once you know what you actually want to achieve, you can start to make concrete plans. Pull out your planner, set aside some time, and get in touch with friends and family. Your social calendar will be filling up in no time. Remember: without proper planning, September will sneak up before you know it. So, make a commitment now to those fun end of summer activities. 

Make the Most of Late Summer Events

It doesn't matter where you live. There are always lots of things to see and do! If you aren't sure what is going on in your town or city, do a quick online search, check out the local newspaper, or talk to friends about what they've heard. For instance, in my area there is an awful lot coming up. Like the annual CNE (known as the Canadian National Exhibition, which features fair rides, games, food, and even free live music), tons of different baseball games, Buskerfest, and so much more. Find out what is happening where you live and make the most of those end-of-season events. 

Reconnect With Friends and Of Tourism Members

Sure a fancy dinner is great on its own, but when you add in a little company, the evening instantly becomes more exciting. Want a great end to the summer? Then don’t do it alone. The success of your summer season will depend on the people you have around you. Take this time to reconnect with old friends, call up your loved ones, and hang out with your best pals. Their company will make the last few weeks of summer even better. You can grab a quick bite, have a fancy sit down meal, or even plan your own end of the summer barbecue. 

It’s always sad when summer starts to winds down. Instead of dreading the return of cold weather and scarves, make the most of the time you’ve got. With these tips, you’ll be able to enjoy the remaining days of summer however you choose.

Another way to make this your best month? Give yourself a glowing tan with a self tanner like the L'Oreal Sublime Bronze. There is a full review up on my YouTube channel if you are interested....

What do you have planned this month?


  1. Great article. I always have a lot of trips and events planned in the summer. Most of my list will make half. Since I have only two weeks of vacation in the summer, I think it's a good score :) I hope :)

    1. That is wonderful! I think half is definitely a great score. It is so great that you have been making the most of the summer season :)

  2. Nice post

  3. I agree with all your tips :D i cant wait to see my family and friends
    by the end of the month ^^ kisses!!

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

  4. What a fabulous post!! Summer is my favorite and your tips are wonderful!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Thank you very much! I hope your summer is going really well so far!

  5. Great post! August is my favourite month too♥

  6. These are all good tips! August is such a beautiful month :)
    xx Elisa
    Francine's Place | DIY & Lifestyle Blog

  7. I love this post so much!
    I started with my to-do list just yesterday and you motivated me to write down as much things as I can! And, you are right, with friends, family everything is better!
    Hahaha i love the '' Actually Cross Things Off Your List'' part! :)
    Wow I still can't believe that september is so close! :/

    There's a new post on my blog, check it out if you want! ♥

    1. Oh my gosh, that is so great! I am really happy that this post motivated you to work on your to-do list! <3

  8. i love how you start this post with the one: take a look at my to do list - something i really forgot! haha! thank you for reminding! great tips!
    have a wonderful day!

    1. Oh my gosh, I am the worst for that! I'll make big lists and forget to actually check back with them. I have to actively remind myself to check in with my progress.

  9. Great, my favorite month

  10. I planned to write to-do-list for so long, but somehow i would always find something "more important", so thanks for reminding me! I will sure as hell do it today, sounds like a good idea :)
    I'm going to visit Prague this month and i'm soo excited *_*
    Would you like us to follow each other ? Let me know:

    1. Oh gosh, I hear you on that! It can be so hard to get everything done that we want to...even writing a to do list! I hope you have a wonderful time in Prague!

  11. É um creme mara! ;D

    Agosto vai ser um mês incrível!

    Ótima sexta!

    Beijo! ^^

    1. Thank you so much for commenting and visiting :)

  12. Excellent tips to enjoy the summer to the fullest! Summer lasts so little that it's worth enjoying every day. Kisses.

    1. You are so right about that! It is such a short time so it is important to make the most of it :)

  13. Agreed! I do love Fall and everything that comes with it - but! I totally feel this list. Summer is so cool in that we can stay up late, go to outdoor bars, roast marshmallows, and blast music with the car windows open. We should definitely take advantage of late Summer events and spending time together before we get cooped up inside again!

    1. I am a big fan of fall as well (especially fall fashion) but love summer as well. It is so fun to enjoy all of those wonderful seasonal activities!

  14. You have such great tips! To be honest, I haven't even thought about summer ending, which is sad because I know I will miss it as soon as the weather cools down. Thank you for sharing hun! I hope you have an amazing weekend!
    -PerlaGiselle |My Instagram!

    1. Oh thank you! It's a good thing that you haven't been thinking too much about it...that must mean you are busy making the most of it! :) :)


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