Wednesday, August 22, 2018

love it or leave it? blake lively

Some celebrities are all about fashion. Not just wearing stylish outfits, but taking fashion risks. Blake Lively certainly falls in into that category. Often regarded as one of the best dressed stars out there, it may surprise you to know that she actually doesn't have a stylist. The reason? As she told Melissa Broxup, it comes down to having control issues. "I just like it. I love design and I love fashion and it's a way to be creative." Quite frankly, I love her attitude. Fashion is a wonderful way to showcase your personality, have fun, and express yourself creatively. That is exactly what Blake did when she stepped out in a neon green suit and a neon knitted top from the Versace Men's Collection. it a love it or a leave it? Let's find out....

What I Love: Though it seems that this look is fairly polarizing....I have to admit. I am obsessed! There is something so bold and exciting about neon. It has a way of making me smile. She absolutely pulls of the all neon green ensemble and I really love the mixture of textures. That knitted top is the perfect way to add some extra dimension to this all-one-colour look. The loosely draped jacket over top looks effortless and balances out the well-tailored ensemble.I also really love the accessories. The blue earrings, bracelet, and purple shoes create a stunning combination of colours. Blake looks chic, stylish, and definitely knows how to turn heads.

What I Loathe: It is a rare moment when there is nothing at all that I dislike about an outfit. Usually there is something that maybe doesn't match my own particular tastes. Not this time! I love absolutely everything about this, from the sleek hairstyle to the accessories, the neon colour, and the fit of the clothes. It is very possible that I am the only one totally smitten with this outfit, though. A lot of the comments I saw online were not very positive.

Overall, I think this is Blake's best look yet. She always has incredible style but this was even better than usual. In my opinion, this is a flawless look from head to toe. Do you agree? Or are you not impressed with her recent look? Share your thoughts in the comment section below. And for more love it or leave it posts, be sure to click here!

Just in case you missed it, my latest YouTube video is live. It is a makeup tutorial featuring the Huda Beauty Desert Dusk palette. Take a look...

What do you think? Love it or a leave it?


  1. I like Blake Lively :) This look really suits her.
    You made a beautiful makeup ;)

    1. I do, too! She has really great style. Thank you!

  2. It looks amazing on her!! I would never be able to pull it off, though!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. I would like to think I could...but you are right, it would be hard to pull off!

  3. i'm not quite a neon lover, but I kind of like it, because it's unique and shows not giving a shit about people's opinions x)

    A Free Soul.

    1. It is totally unique! I love that she took a risk!

  4. Omg! I love Blake so much! Gossip Girl dayssss! ♥
    Anyway, I'm following you on GFC, Google+, Bloglovin, Facebook and on Pinterest!

    Hear from you soon!

    Love, Airish

    1. Haha, yes! I love Gossip Girl so much. I am actually in the middle of a re-watch of the series. Thank you for all your support!

  5. I don't use too much neon but it looks great on her ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

  6. I love Blake Lively after Gossip Girl. She's so beautiful <3

  7. Honestly I love looking at color blocking outfits like this!


  8. It looks so gorgeous on her ♥

  9. I love it! the colour, the form.. everything!!
    Have a great day dear! xx

    La ilusión de Nina -

  10. Blake Lively can pull off any outfit!

    Lots of love ♥ Janury Girl

    1. I think you are right about that! She has amazing taste.

  11. I saw this on her Instagram account and I can say this one is the most attractive outfit she has ever pulled off!

    1. Totally agree! I think it is my favourite look from her.

  12. Hi dear! This women is vero chic and your makeup is beautiful!

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you so much! Hope you have a wonderful weekend as well :)

  14. Her looks is cool! Thanks for sharing. :)

    Shoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram

  15. Achei ela bem elegante 👍 bjs 😙


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