Sunday, August 26, 2018

review: cover girl eyeshadow palettes (TruNaked dazed + sunsets)

Cover Girl was one of the first makeup brands I ever tried. (Not counting the days in my youth when I would dig through my mother's vanity, trying on every shade of pink lipstick I could get my eager little hands on.) My first foray into the beauty aisles saw me leave with a Cover Girl foundation, a tube of Lash Blast mascara, and an individual pan of black eyeshadow. I can still remember how amazing I felt, wearing glittery black shadow all over my lids. The pigmentation was poor and it had a dry, almost chalky consistency, but it was mine and I felt beautiful.

The brand has come a long way sine then. They've replaced their so-so shadows for higher quality alternatives. And more recently? Cover Girl has upped the game even more. I fell in love with their shadows when the TruNaked palettes were released a couple of years ago...and it seems that there is no end in sight for this drugstore staple. Their latest launch includes a range of new and exciting eyeshadow palettes including Dazed and Sunsets.

Cover Girl TruNaked Eyeshadow Palette in Dazed

Though these eyeshadow palettes are worlds apart in terms of the shade selection, both manage to snag attention in their own way. Dazed, for instance, is all about bright colours that make a statement. It includes two different shades of purple (one is more of a plum shade while the other is quite vibrant), an orange, yellow, green, two different blues (one a navy and the other a bright baby blue), and a black shadow with tons of silver glitter scattered throughout. Each shade is buttery smooth and blends well. I also really enjoy how pigmented these are. Not only are they colourful but they pack a real punch! 

It is possible to create a look that is soft and subtle or over-the-top and extreme. It all depends on how you want to wear it. Some of the shades have shimmery, some have glitter, and others have a pearl finish. That makes this palette ultra versatile in terms of finishes. Add in the wonderful mixture of rainbow shades, and you are left with a seriously stellar drugstore release. Though I have used this palette in many different ways, I wanted to really showcase the versatility. Here are two different looks created with the Dazed palette. One is more neutral and one incorporates colour. 

Overall, this is a solid palette that can be used many different ways. I love the quality of each shadow and the variety of colours. It is something that can take you from day to night with ease. Out of all the more colourful shadows in my collection, these are easily some of the best.

Cover Girl TruNaked Eyeshadow Palette in Sunsets

One look at the palette pictured above and you can see that it is nothing at all like Dazed. It is called Sunsets and that name suits the shadows perfectly. It has a lot of really warm neutrals that are absolutely stunning. What I really enjoy about this palette is that it can be used to create daytime looks, evening looks, and everything in between. The set includes a soft beige, champagne, gold, warm brown, shimmery brown,  burgundy, plum, and an orange-toned brown.

Like the previous palette, this has plenty of versatility. There are lots of lighter shades, some mid-tones, and deeper colours. Additionally, there are different finishes. For instance, there are pearlescent shades, shimmery shades, and that beige is a nice matte. I adore the quality and the fact that the shadows blend well, are smooth in texture, and look amazing. Recently, I created a look using this palette that was super smokey and dramatic.

The Sunsets eyeshadow palette is beautiful and can create plenty of incredible looks. Simple and shimmery or smokey and dramatic...there are so many ways to put these gorgeous shades to use. This is one palette that I have been reaching for time and time again.

These Cover Girl TruNaked eyeshadow palettes are stellar. The quality is amazing, the colour selection is fabulous, and I adore the different finishes. If you see any of these at the drugstore....take the plunge. You will not regret it!

Have you tried any of these palettes? Are you a fan of Cover Girl?


  1. Wow this looks amazing!!

    1. They are really stellar palettes! Thank you for visiting!

  2. thanks for the comment <3
    the colors are so beautiful :D

  3. such amazing eyeshadow palettes! you look gorgeous! thanks for the review x
    have a wonderful day!

    1. Thank you so much! They are really beautiful palettes.

  4. Wow! It looks amazing to me my dear.

  5. What gorgeous colors!! The pictures are beautiful!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. There are SO many pretty colours! I just love them all. Thank you <3

  6. Such lovely colors! I wanna try them :)

    - Marina W

    1. I hope you are able to! These palettes are lovely.

  7. You look great , nice colors :)

  8. Beautiful looks! I haven't tried this brand but I love the colour selection of the Sunsets palette, so cute!

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Thank you! Cover Girl is a great brand, for sure. The Sunsets palette is really pretty and I love using it.

  9. Such an amazing look!
    I love the colors, great pigment :)



    1. Thank you so much! The pigmentation was so impressive!

  10. Hello beautiful, great post! :)♥ I love your blog and I'm following it and hoping you could follow me back! xoxo


    1. Thank you for all your support! I am following you, lovely!

  11. The colors are so pretty! Great post
    Mademoiselle Coconath

  12. Replies
    1. There are so many gorgeous shades. Thank you for visiting!

  13. It 's look so amazing!

    ♥ MOJ BLOG! - Your Own Blog ♥ (

  14. A lot of lovely shades! Beautiful make up!
    Kisses, Paola.



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