Tuesday, August 14, 2018

review week: NYX total control drop foundation + duo chromatic illuminating powder

NYX is one of the best drugstore brands out there. Since their line launched in Canada, I have written several reviews (like this one on their ombre blushes) and even filmed YouTube videos (like this makeup look featuring their Toronto Palette) highlighting their products. Not all of them have been out-of-this-world-amazing but they have a solid track record with me! So of course, during my visit to the drugstore....I had to make some time to check out the latest offerings from NYX. Though there were many tempting items to choose from, I wound up purchasing the NYX Total Control Control Drop Foundation and a Duo Chromatic Illuminating Powder. How did they perform? Are they worth looking into? Here is everything you need to know.

NYX Total Control Drop Foundation in Light Ivory

Ever since my favourite foundation got discontinued (for the record, it was the Rimmel Clean Finish), I have been testing out a variety of different options. Though I am trying to use up what I have already, I am still on the hunt for my new favourite. Which is why I was eager to try out the Total Control Drop Foundation. I liked the idea of having a customizable foundation that could work for any and all occasions. 

According to the packaging, "With just a few drops, our Total Control Drop Foundation delivers sheer-to-full coverage and a velvety, matte finish. Simply adjust the number of drops you use until the desired level of coverage is achieved. More drops = more coverage." It seemed like the ideal concept for me because my foundation tends to be lighter when I am going to work or on a quick errand and fuller coverage on a night out or for a dinner date. 

This works exactly as I hoped it would. I chose the second lightest shade and it was a great match for me. It has an easy to use dropper and you simply apply a few drops of the foundation to the skin and blend it in with your foundation brush. The product blends easily, looks natural, and is obviously quite buildable. Though I don't know if this will end up being my absolute favourite foundation, it is a stellar offering and I am really enjoying it. 

Rating: 5/5

NYX Duo Chromatic Illuminating Powder in Synthetica 

The next NYX product that came home with me was the illuminating powder. Though many of the other shades in this line seem to be highlights, this shade in particular is more of a blush. It is described on the website as having a pink base with gold duo chrome but to me, it looks less pink and more coral (or a soft orange) with flecks of gold running throughout. 

It has a smooth texture and looks great when swatched or applied to the cheeks. With a good amount of pigmentation, this is an ideal choice for a summer blush. It has a gorgeous coral tone with that beautiful golden shimmer layered on top. That leaves you with both colour and a beaming highlight, all in one. I have really been loving this illuminating powder lately because it gives me the warm summery glow that I am after. 

While the website suggests that users "brush this illuminating wonder along the highest points of the face - such as the cheekbones, bridge of the nose, and Cupid's bow," with this specific shade, I would suggest sticking to the cheeks and only the cheeks. If you were to use this as a highlight (as it seems to be intended for), you would wind up looking like you did your makeup in the dark! My suggestion is to use Synthetica as a beautiful blush. 

Rating: 4/5

Finished Makeup Look Using Both NYX Products

To put these products to the test, I decided to create a glowy summer inspired makeup look recently. I was heading out for a lunch date with an old friend and wanted my makeup to look both casual and glam. For the foundation, I went with a medium coverage, and layered on lots of that illuminating powder on the cheeks for a warm seasonal finish. Be sure to let me know what you think of the finished look....

Overall, I was really pleased with these products from NYX. The foundation was a wonderful choice and colour match for me while the illuminating powder quickly and easily created a summer-inspired look on the cheeks. This is one drugstore brand that continues to impress!

On another note! My latest YouTube video is live on my channel and it is a massive haul from my trip to New York City. It features items from the Disney Store, Sephora, Century 21, and so much more....

Have you tried these products? Are you a fan of NYX?


  1. Obozavam nyx i koristim dosta njihovih proizvoda, uvjerljivo najvise volim njihove highlightere! :)
    Svrati : http://xshoppingholicx.blogspot.com/

  2. Wonderful products, great review:)


    1. Thank you so much! NYX is a really fantastic brand.

  3. Beautiful post turned out! Thank you for the beauty and for the useful information! )))
    If it's not difficult for you, please go to the links in this post:
    Thanks in advance and a wonderful day!

  4. Replies
    1. Both products were really impressive! Thank you for stopping by!

  5. Wow! You look flawless. I've never really ever used a NYX product except a couple of eyeshades I used yearssss ago. This is amazing though!

    Zoha xx
    Love, Zoha

    1. NYX has a lot of really stellar products. Thank you so much :)

  6. Perfect review, interesting products!
    Kisses, Paola.

  7. Replies
    1. They are really lovely! Thank you for visiting :)

  8. The makeup looks so beautiful!! Fabulous review, too!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

  9. Both products look really good once applied in your skin, ive actually never tried any nyx foundation so its good to know this one is good :D thanks for the review!
    kisses :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. This was the first NYX foundation I had tried and I was so impressed with it!

  10. Great review! Also your make up is very pretty :)

    Blog x Facebook x Instagram x Bloglovin

  11. Interesting products, I'd love to try the foundation, looks amazing!

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. It really was! I hope you are able to find it and try it for yourself!

  12. Love Nyx!


  13. That control drop foundation seems pretty good! I would love to try it out!


  14. You look beautiful! NYX is always a great idea

  15. Nice post http://www.ludatischenko.com


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