Saturday, August 18, 2018

review week: physicians formula and annabelle highlights + free samples

Isn't it amazing? Just a few short years ago, highlighters were barely on our makeup radar. Now, a makeup look is simply not complete without a hint of that gorgeous sheen. During my recent makeup shopping haul, there were a couple of new highlights that managed to catch my eye. The first was the Butter Highlighter from Physician's Formula in the shade Pink/Rose. The second is a blue holographic highlighter from Annabelle Cosmetics in the shade Luna.

Physician's Formula + Annabelle Cosmetics Highlight Reviews

Physician's Formula Butter Highlighter. The first highlight that grabbed my attention at the drugstore was this gorgeous butter highlight. Though I haven't tried out a ton of products from Physician's Formula, there have been a few that I have enjoyed over the years. (You can read about my very first purchase from the brand here.) According to the packaging, this is a cream-to-powder formula that is infused with Murumuru Butter, which delivers a radiant glow to the skin. It also claims to soften, condition, and moisturize the skin.

While the claims about its effects on the skin are debatable (and even if this product does soften the would only soften areas where you normally place highlighter), the product itself is wonderful. There is a beautiful wavy pattern on top which really showcases how shimmery the highlight is. The texture is silky smooth and definitely has that buttery kind of feeling to it. It offers lots of shimmer, shine, and has a luxurious feeling to it all around. This is a product that I have really been enjoying lately and hope to use more in the future.

Rating: 5/5

Annabelle Cosmetics Holo Lighter. Though I am a fan of a lot of products from Annabelle (which is a Canadian makeup brand, for those of you wondering), this was my first time trying out one of their highlights. Seeing as this was a holographic highlight, I was even more excited by the premise. There were a few different colours to choose from but I instantly locked eyes with Luna, a soft shimmery blue, and had to find out how it performed.

Unlike the Physician's Formula highlight, there were no claims on the packaging whatsoever. So I just decided to dive in headfirst! The texture of this product is pretty standard for a powder but the colour is absolutely breathtaking. It has a light blue base with holographic shine that gives it an iridescent hint of purple as well. Striking, bold, and totally over the top, this is a fabulous highlight for a night out or a colourful makeup look. I love it!

Rating: 4.5 / 5

Bonus Review: Vichy Samples

Every now and then, stores will give you some free samples to try out. I love this! It is a great way to try out different products that maybe you wouldn't have considered otherwise. When I cashed out during my makeup haul, I was given a sample of a Vichy Rehydrating Cream and a Rehydrating Serum. There was a fair amount of product in each sample and it took me about a week of continued use to finish. The cream worked well for my dry skin but I think it would be a bit too much if you have normal to oily skin. The serum was also a stellar product for me and I noticed that my skin felt a lot smoother and more nourished. My only criticism with these Vichy products is the scent. I find it has that perfume sort of smell that many other skin care products have. While it doesn't bother a lot of people, it isn't something that I enjoy. 

Rating: 4/5

Phew! Can you believe it? Review week is over already. I hope that you enjoyed finding out about some newer products from the drugstore. Be sure to let me know if you have tried any of them and what you thought. Also, if you have any suggestions for future theme weeks, leave them in the comment section below.


  1. Fabulous reviews!! The products look so amazing!! Gorgeous pictures, too!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. I love those highlighters! They look really good. Also the Vichy products amazed me. :)

    1. They are so beautiful! I really love them. And yes! Vichy has some solid products, for sure.

  3. I will try.

    Great Post. Lovely Blog.
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  4. Great review dear :) Annabelle is a new brand for me but it looks good and Vichy is a must! Have a lovely afternoon...
    My Fifty Shades Fashion Blog

    1. It is a really solid brand. I hope you are able to try it sometime! Thank you for visiting :)

  5. Everything looks amazing, I have to try the Physician's Formula highlighter, it looks very beautiful!

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. You will love it if you try it! The texture alone is so beautiful.

  6. Hello
    I don't know any of these brands but your rating tells me they are very good. And this is shown in the photos, also no live without highlighter.
    As for Vichy is a good brand. In my pharmacy they also usually give samples of this brand. It's a little expensive here.

    1. It is expensive here as well for Vichy but the products are really wonderful! I am glad you like them too :)

  7. Wow, looks interesting!

  8. Replies
    1. They really are! I love the pink highlight, in particular. Thank you for visiting!

  9. Nice post

  10. Nice review. :) I also like these free samples, because they give you the opportunity to try something that you might otherwise miss. And when it turns out that the product is bad for you, which has happened to me already, you do not feel sorry for the money you would otherwise have spent on it.

    P&P style ♡ ☯ ☮ --- DIY --- fashion --- and more --- ☮ ☯ ♡

    1. Absolutely! It is a great way to find out whether you want to try something and if it is actually worth the money!


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