Wednesday, August 8, 2018

thrift store haul: john denver, the sound of music, and more

One of my favourite places to be? At a thrift store, flipping through dusty old milk crates, searching for buried treasure. Records have long been a part of my life and I love to collect them. (In fact, I even have a record collection video up on my YouTube channel.) Many of my happiest childhood memories involve listening to an album on the record player or watching my Dad meticulously clean an album after it had been played. Music has a way of bringing people together like nothing else in this world...which is probably why it is such an important part of my life.

Though many fashionistas love to go thrift store shopping to find cute vintage designer pieces, I have always been more interested in the entertainment. That includes records, cassette tapes, CDs, DVDs, and books. It is amazing how many unique items you can find! Often, you can get your hands on things that are either out of print or you may not have known about. It is also a great way to explore new artists, films, and authors without investing a ton of money. (Some thrift stores are more expensive than others but even the pricier ones tend to be quite affordable.) Though I am a big fan of thrifting in general, it isn't something I am able to do all that often.

My favourite thrift store is in another town and it is my favourite because they always have a ton of records to look through. Sometimes it feels like looking for a needle in a haystack...but the rush of finding that needle always makes it worth the effort. On a more recent trip, I had a mere fifteen minutes to browse before the store closed. And browse, I did! As you can see from the picture above, I found quite a few items in that short period of time. That included:

  • The Sound of Music soundtrack on vinyl (1965)
  • Vince Guaraldi - Oh Good Grief, Peanuts television soundtrack on vinyl (1968)
  • The Monkees - Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones Ltd. on vinyl (1967)
  • John Denver - Rocky Mountain High on vinyl (1972)
  • John Denver - Spirit on vinyl (1976)
  • Death of a Cheerleader DVD starring Tori Spelling 
  • Lizzie McGuire Fashionably Lizzie DVD starring Hilary Duff
  • Richie Rich's Christmas Wish VHS starring David Gallagher 

As you can see, quite a lot of fabulous records, DVDs, and VHS tapes have been added to my collection. Out of everything, I was most excited to finally have my own copy of John Denver's Rocky Mountain High on vinyl. Though I have an awful lot of his records....I actually didn't have his most popular. Go figure! That is the beauty of flipping through stacks upon stacks of records. You never know what you are going to uncover.

Music and movies are definitely huge passions of mine. Something else I love to do is travel. You may remember that a while back, I was able to visit New York City for a few days. Well, my latest YouTube video is a VLOG made up of some trip highlights. Check it out and let me know what you think....

Do you enjoy thrift store shopping?


  1. OMG! I love Vinyls, CDs and cassettes. Thrift stores are amazing.
    Have a nice day!
    New post on my blog

    1. Really?! Okay, you are extra amazing! A lot of people think I am crazy but I absolutely love them!

  2. I love thrift stores mostly because unique things you wont find elsewhere. Kisses!

  3. Thrift stores are awesome and the vinyls are pure treasures. <3 <3

  4. It's a great store :)
    Hi dear, I am following you on Bloglovin Facebook Instagram and Twitter. :)
    These are mine! thanksssssssss
    Fantastic idea that I share. I exchange all my social networks.
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    1. Thank you so so much for your support! Following you back on social media :)

  5. Interesting post.
    Have a nice day, dear 😘

  6. They look like really old and cool vinyls. :)
    Unfortunatly I don´t know this ones.

    1. They are, for sure. I have really been enjoying them!

  7. Great haul, I love thrift stores! There I find awesome treasures ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

  8. These thrift stores are great.
    This concept is not yet flourished in India in a big way yet.


    1. Oh really? That is so interesting. I hope they become popular there soon!

  9. I love thrift stores as well! you got really nice products,
    i used to watch lizzie mcguire x)
    And what a nice vlog, one of my dreams is to visit NY!

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. Lizzie McGuire was SUCH a good show! I loved watching all of the Disney Channel programs. And thank you! New York is an amazing place. I hope you are able to visit someday :)

  10. Such a great haul! I also enjoyed every second of your vlog. :)

    Shoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram

  11. What a great thrift store haul, Shannon. Love John Denver:) I used to love thrift shopping a lot but the stores downtown I used to go to are now either closed or so overpriced! And thanks for sharing that NYC vlog. So cool you got to see Frozen, and I would've died in that fabric store!
    PS Did you buy that Shannon drink? :D

    1. Thank you! John Denver is everything <3 <3 That is such a shame that the downtown stores are so overpriced! I hate when that happens. And no...I didn't buy the Shannon drink! I totally wanted to, though!


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