Tuesday, October 23, 2018

growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional.

Happy birthday to me! Well...almost. Tomorrow is my birthday and I am pretty excited about it. Not only have I taken the next couple of days off of work (because no one should work on their birthday, in my opinion) but there are a lot of fun celebratory events coming up. Tonight is date night with my husband. We are going to see Goosebumps 2 in the theater and are going out for dinner beforehand. Though I used to love elaborate birthday plans, now all I really want, is to spend time with the most important people in my life. So, date night tonight and tomorrow night, celebrating with my family. Since I am a twin, my brother and I obviously share a birthday. This year, it is his turn to choose where we go out to dinner. After that, it will be some time spent at home, eating homemade cake and opening gifts. Not a bad way to celebrate! There are a few other birthday-related events coming up in the near future as well. That includes a night out with friends and a couple of dinners. For now? I wanted to do a fun little birthday tag to celebrate the big day.

Birthday Interview Tag

For today's post, I wanted to do a tag of some sort. Just for fun! So I found this cute little Birthday Interview Tag, which you can check out here. There are twenty questions in all, so here goes....

  1. Who is your favourite person in the whole wide world? Let's say it is a tie between my husband, mom, dad, brother, and sister. 
  2. What is your favourite colour? Pink! I have always loved pink.
  3. What is your favourite television show? My favourite TV show ever would be 2Ge+her but my favourite current show is probably Riverdale. 
  4. What's your favourite outfit? I have many but I always feel awesome in my pink I Love Ken sweater and a pair of comfy jeans. 
  5. What sport do you like best? I'll be honest....I am not into sports. Though I am currently watching a show on competitive cheerleading that is streaming on Netflix. So maybe cheerleading!
  6. What song do you love? Music is a huge part of my life, so there are many songs that I love. Currently, I have been listening to "Windsong" by John Denver a lot.
  7. What is your favourite cereal? I love Lucky Charms so much. I actually only get them for my birthday or for Christmas, so I will likely be enjoying a huge bowl of Lucky Charms tomorrow.
  8. Who is your best friend? I am happy to say that I don't have one! In the past, I have been hurt by certain people and that made me realize that it is important for me to be careful with my heart. That being said, I have many wonderful friends in my life (some old and some new) and I am extraordinarily grateful for that. 
  9. What do you want to be when you grow up? Well, I may technically be "grown up," but it certainly doesn't feel like it! But I have always wanted to be a writer and an author.
  10. What is your favourite book? Either "There Are Survivors" by Jane MacSporran or "I Think I Love You" by Allison Pearson. 
  11. What are you really good at? I like to think that I am a good writer. 
  12. Where do you wish you could go on vacation? So many places...but mostly Disney World.
  13. What is your best memory? There are so many wonderful memories that I can think back on to make me smile. From innocent afternoons spent reading Hanson biographies to vacations with my husband to holiday traditions with my family....I am very blessed.
  14. What would you buy if you had $1000? Hmm, well I would probably put that money towards rent. Which isn't all that exciting! But otherwise, I would love to spend recklessly at a book store.
  15. What vegetable do you hate the most? I actually like a fair amount of vegetables but I am not a fan of cauliflower. 
  16. If you could have a wish, what would it be? Eternal health and happiness for myself and my loved ones.
  17. What is your favourite flavour of ice cream? Strawberry. Yum! 
  18. Who is your biggest hero? Michael Cuccione and John Denver. Both have inspired me to become a better person and look beyond my own experiences. They make me want to leave a positive mark on this world and to better the lives of those around me.
  19. What do you like to do best with your friends? I love going to the movies! It is always so much fun.
  20. What do you hope you'll get to do before your next birthday? I always love to celebrate my birthday but before my next one rolls around, I hope to do some travelling, make happy memories, and finish my book!
I hope you enjoyed reading my answers to this birthday interview tag. (And when your birthday rolls around, be sure to try it for yourself. I would love to read your answers.) For the rest of today, I am going to relax and get ready for the start of my birthday celebration. I can't wait!

And in case you are interested....my new YouTube video is up. As you probably know already, I have been slowly trying out different products from Paris Hilton Cosmetics. So, I decided to do a full face using only items from the beauty line. Take a look and let me know what you think.

What do you have planned this week?


  1. Parabéns e muitas felicidades 👏🎉🎈🎁🎂 adorei conhecer suas respostas 👍 bjs 😙


  2. Happy birthday! Congratulations! )))

  3. Happy birthday! Really nice tag :)

  4. Happy, happy birthday!! I hope your day is filled with much love and happiness!! I enjoyed reading your answers!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

  5. Happy happy birthday, dear! Wow, me too, will absolutely spend it at the bookstore!

    The Flower Duet

  6. What a fun tag! Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day! :)


  7. Happy birthday!! Your birthday is the same day as my mum ^^ I hope you have a great day and I love the tag!

    Freak Muffin Blog

  8. Happy happy birthday, Shannon! Wishing you much love and happiness:) And my DD's fave cereal is Lucky Charms too:D
    PS Love that Paris Hilton vid. You're so creative with the products. I want that contour palette now!:D

    1. Aww thank you so much! I really appreciate that. (And the Paris Hilton makeup is so affordable as well, so that is a total bonus!)

  9. Fantastic post, very nice :)


  10. Happy Birthday Shannon :) Hope you had a wonderful birthday sweetie!
    I really enjoyed reading your tag and we have many things in common.
    xx Katha

  11. Muitas felicidades, obrigada pela visita.
    Blog: https://arrasandonobatomvermelho.blogspot.com/
    Canal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmO8csZDARM

  12. Nice post https://www.ludatischenko.com

  13. Thanks for your sharing 😊 have a nice day


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