Wednesday, October 17, 2018

review: too faced 20th anniversary collection

Too Faced is known for its bold packaging and fabulous themes. From the Peach palette to the Life's a Festival collection, there is always something wonderful to look at. More recently? The brand released their 20th anniversary collection. It featured several different products, including the Then & Now eyeshadow palette and a line of Metallic Sparkle Lipsticks. From the anniversary launch, I added both the palette and one of the glitter lipsticks to my makeup collection. Ready to see how they perform? Here is my full review of the Too Faced 20th Anniversary Collection.

Too Faced Then & Now Eyeshadow Palette

This eyeshadow palette is a celebration. It does a wonderful job of embracing everything that Too Faced was and everything it has become. With an intense pink glittery case, glamorous gold lettering on the outside, and a glossy gold finish inside, this oozes personality. Glitter and gold? Yes please! In addition to the stellar packaging (which will look oh-so-pretty on display in my makeup room) there are also some incredible eyeshadows inside. On the top row, there are ten - technically eleven - classic Too Faced eyeshadows. They are the colours that started it all. Then on the bottom row are their current day counterparts. The Then & Now concept works perfectly and it is so fun to see how each original shade has been changed to suit the current brand.

When it comes to variety, there is plenty here. The palette has a few matte shades (perfect for the crease), tons of shimmer (for a little glitz), and an awful lot of glitter (for bold makeup looks). With lots of finishes to choose is easy to create many different types of makeup looks. There are neutrals, smokey shades, and pops of colour. Talk about fabulous! All of the shadows in the palette are intensely pigmented and have wonderful colour payoff. And the glitters are creamy and create an incredible look with ease. In fact, there are only a couple of issues related to the palette.

The first is that the glitter shades, though totally gorgeous, do not blend well with the other shadows. They look amazing on their own or carefully placed but in terms of blending, it can be tricky. Then there are the dual shades at the very end of the palette. The original version is amazing. However, the updated dual shadow is lacklustre. That soft gold is dry and lacks the pigmentation that the rest of the eyeshadows have. Other than that? It is a great eyeshadow palette both in terms of the variety and as a collectors item.

Rating:  4.5 / 5

Too Faced Metallic Sparkle Lipstick 

Now for the lipstick! There were several shades to choose from. Some were more neutral and easy to wear while others were bright and bold. Since Too Faced is a brand that leans towards bright and bold....I went with the most vibrant shade in the collection. Pictured above is TF20. As you can see, this limited edition shade comes in a super sparkly tube. It looks amazing, just based on the packaging alone! On the inside is the classic Too Faced logo and a bright sparkly pink lipstick shade. The pigmentation is fabulous and it has a gorgeous sparkling finish. I absolutely love it! The product feels comfortable on the lips and the colour totally encompasses the fun aspect of the brand.

Rating: 5 / 5

Finished Look Using the 20th Anniversary Collection

There it is....the finished look! I wanted to create something that was a little more colourful than my everyday creations. So I combined some of the purples and greens together and completed the look with that bright and beautiful lipstick shade. This isn't the only time I've put the palette to use, though. As you will see in my next post, there are plenty of beautiful looks to create.

On another note! My new YouTube video is up. This one is all about my Fall Favourites for 2018. It includes some books, some makeup, a few skin care products, and more. Be sure to check it out and let me know what your fall favourites are.

Have you tried anything from this line? Are you a fan of Too Faced?


  1. Gorgeous pallet and lipstick. I really like all of the shades.

    Blog -
    YouTube -

  2. That is definitely an intense eyeshadow palette! It's huge and comes with so many shadows! Love all of the pops of colour you could add to any look.

    1. It is! Seriously, this thing is HUGE but it's gorgeous!

  3. The packaging is just wow! And the makeup suits you.

    Bernie xx,

    1. Yes! The packaging is so over the top. I love it. Thank you!

  4. That palette OMG--your lids look so saturated, gorgeous!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

    1. Thank you!! I am seriously loving the palette so much. It is amazing.

  5. Thanks for your honest and detailed review. Am always on the look for reviews on new products.


  6. Beautiful palette. Makeup is great

  7. What gorgeous colors!! They look fabulous on you!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. There are so many pretty shades! This one is definitely fun to play around with.

  8. I'm in love with this palette! :)

  9. the packaging looks so cool! I would really love to to have it for myself. Yes too faced lover detected!

    1. It is SO cool. I think the packaging is my favourite thing about it! So fun. I hope you are able to get your hands on this one :)


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