Sunday, November 4, 2018

birthday highlights + halloween looks

It is a busy time of year! Fall always seems to be one activity after the next, after the next, after the next. At least in my experience. Within the span of a month, there is my husbands birthday, my birthday (and my brother's), Halloween, and everything in between. This year in particular, things have been a little hectic. I've been lucky enough to take some day trips, hang out with friends, and make lots of wonderful fall memories. Not a bad way to celebrate. Today's post is all about looking back at a few of those moments. That includes some of my birthday highlights and a peek at my Halloween costumes. Here goes....

Birthday Festivities 

My actual birthday was near the end of October (you may remember my birthday post here) and it was pretty much perfect. I took the day off of work, because no one should work on their birthday, and spent the morning relaxing. It was mostly catching up on TV shows, reading, writing, and chatting with some friends. Then it was off to dinner at my favourite place: Pizza Hut! (My obsession with Pizza Hut is all too real.) My husband and my family had a great meal and then went back to my parents house for homemade cake and some presents. We spent the rest of the night just talking, laughing, and having fun. It was a wonderful end to a very relaxing day.

Movie Night with a Friend

A couple of days later, it was time to celebrate my birthday with a good friend. We went out for dinner and to see the new Halloween movie. (For the record, it was really scary. Though the first half of the movie could've use some tweaking, the last half was excellent. Jamie Lee Curtis is so talented, I can't even deal with it.) My friend was so lovely and gave me an awesome birthday present. Not only was there chocolate involved and a lovely note inside the birthday card....but Disney jewellery sets. Those little glass bottles pictured above contain one set of earrings and one necklace. The first is themed to Lilo and Stitch and the second to Moana. I love them so much! Moana is probably my favourite Disney movie ever, so it was super exciting. As for makeup, I went with a really cool-toned look, with Kat Von D's Zero on the lips. It was definitely a fun night out. 

Halloween Looks

Holidays are a pretty big deal to me. I absolutely love them! This year, I was able to celebrate Halloween in style by heading to a party my friend was hosting. My costume was an oh-so-glamorous unicorn. There was lots of glitter involved and pretty pastel shades. And of course, a fabulous wig and unicorn horn! I was pretty happy with the way it turned out.

Then for the actual day of Halloween, I dressed up as Cheryl Blossom from Riverdale. (Everyone at work chose a different character from the show to dress up as. Since I was already debating on a Cheryl costume for the Halloween party, I was excited to have the chance to be the character for a little while.) My costume was pretty simple but consisted of a cherry sweater, a Riverdale pin, cherry earrings, and of course, red lipstick.

Life lately has been pretty busy and it shows no signs of slowing down. In the next little while, I have a weekend trip planned, lots of get-togethers with friends, and of course, lots of writing and blogging. This is a busy time of year but I am enjoying every minute of it. 

Did you dress up for Halloween? What was your costume? 


  1. Love your review as always ))

  2. Cute pics honey!

  3. Movie night sounds great! Cute unicorn :)

  4. ;D

    Primeiramente, parabéns atrasado! E em segundo, aqui no Brasil não temos uma tradição tão forte de Halloween...

    Ótima segunda!

    Beijo! ^^

  5. Oh dear, I am so sorry that I missed your birthday! I wish you the best, sory for be late :( Hugs!!
    My Fifty Shades Fashion Blog
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    1. Oh, you are so lovely! Thank you for your birthday wishes :)

  6. Eu adoro Halloween ❤ amei seu post contando um pouco de tudo que aconteceu no seu mês bjs 😙

  7. Beautiful pictures, I love your Halloween costume! I dressed as unicorn too, but mine was just with a pajama, less glamourous ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Thank you so much! Oh really? I'll bet you were a wonderful unicorn!

  8. Loved the halloween cosutmes and make up was on point..

  9. OMG the last makeup is so so pretty! :)


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