Saturday, November 17, 2018

new in: tops from rosegal

My wardrobe has been lacking something lately. (Thank goodness for Rosegal. They totally saved the day recently. And speaking of Rosegal, be sure to check out their Double eleven sale and the stunning NEW ARRIVALS.) It seems that whenever I have a special event coming up....nothing hanging in my closet feels quite right. That happened not long ago. Luckily, the same day I was choosing my outfit, a package from Rosegal arrived. Inside there were two pieces, and one of them was so perfect that I ended up wearing it to meet my idol. Want to see the pieces up close? Find out more about the quality? Here are my thoughts on a couple of tops from Rosegal.....

Cut Out Ripped Sleeve T-Shirt

The first top is the Cut Out Ripped Sleeve T-Shirt in black. As soon as I saw this one on the website, I was intrigued. I loved the bold sleeve and quite frankly, had never seen anything quite like it. The design is unique, exciting, and just a little bit edgy. And it looks just like it did in the picture on the site, which is always a good thing. I instantly felt amazing when I put it on. It was just....right. I just adore the dramatic sleeve details and the studs along the sides. It also fits really well and it super flattering. The only thing to be mindful of? You have to carefully arrange the cut outs once you put on the shirt, to make sure they are laying properly. That being said, this is one of my new favourites. I am totally obsessed with this top! 

Open Shoulder Handkerchief Top 

There is nothing like a little colour to add that oomph to your wardrobe! That is exactly why I chose the Open Shoulder Handkerchief Top in purple. The colour itself is beautiful and added some much needed jewel tones to my closet. I also really loved the unique details along the top. There are all of those lovely cut outs, the open shoulders, and the rounded neckline. Then there are long sleeves (making this ideal for fall and winter) and the rest of the top is loose and has a handkerchief style. There are so many beautiful elements to enjoy! I actually wore this top out to dinner with a friend and felt like a million bucks. It is beautiful and still really comfortable.

Overall, I was thrilled with these pieces from Rosegal. They were different, exciting, and had impressive quality. Though I have already worn these tops to several special events....I can't wait to wear them again and again. Interested in trying them out for yourself? How about adding a new item to your wardrobe? You are in luck. Make use of this coupon code to save, save, and save some more.

Rosegal Crazy Shopping Day! 25% OFF With Coupon: RGBF1

When it comes to style, Rosegal has got you covered. These items totally saved the day for me...and have made me excited to get dressed up again.

What do you think of these tops? Which one do you like best?


  1. Beautiful tops, and the colours are also very attractive.


  2. Beautiful tops, I love the purple one, that colour is so cute!

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Yes, the colour is beautiful! I love wearing that one :)

  3. Great finds! The blue top looks so pretty!

    The Flower Duet

  4. Gorgeous tops! I love Rosegal too, can't wait to receive my order too


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