Wednesday, November 21, 2018

trash or treasure? kardashian beauty makeup

It had the potential to be a major beauty find. It also had the potential to be a complete and total waste of money. When I stumbled upon a Kardashian Beauty Au Naturel Nude Lip Set (in the shade In The Buff) for a mere three dollars at a heart beat faster. Could it be? After all those years of searching for Kardashian Beauty products, could it really be right in front of me? Within reach? I distinctly remember visiting Ulta a couple of years back. I was visiting the states and it was my first time ever being in the store. I'd heard that they carried the Kardashian Beauty line and was thrilled for the chance to get my hands on some of it. (Yes, I love the Kardashian's/Jenner's. I've made videos and have written many blog posts about them over the years!) Turns out, they had stopped selling the line just days earlier. It seemed that I would never see Kardashian Beauty products for myself. And then, bam! There it was. So, was it trash or treasure?

It Was Trash Because....As you can see, this old-school lip kit came with a double ended lipstick and lip liner as well as a lip gloss. Well, the lip liner itself literally fell out of the tube upon opening. I don't know if the product dried out and got smaller, but the lip liner just falls out of the packaging immediately. It also lacks any pigmentation whatsoever. Then the lip gloss itself is sticky and goopy. I tried to swatch it but instantly hated the formula and sheer colour. Quite frankly, I wouldn't ever put that on my lips, even just to test it out.

It Was Treasure Because...That double ended lipstick and lip liner is a genius idea and the packaging is super pretty. It is the perfect combination of simple and sturdy. I also love the gold lettering and the honeycomb theme on the Honey Stick lip gloss. Something else I enjoy is the lipstick formula. It has a silky texture and the colour builds up nicely when swatched.

Trash or treasure? Turns out it was a little bit of both. Finding it felt like uncovering buried treasure but the product itself simply wasn't usable. Whether that was due to the age of the product (in which case, this really shouldn't have been sold) or the overall quality, it is hard to say. But this is a lip kit that I will happily keep on display in my beauty room.

Something that is definitely a treasure is the Too Faced 20th Anniversary collection. Take a peek at some items and hear my full review on my YouTube channel....

Did you ever try any Kardashian Beauty products? What was your experience like?


  1. That's too bad about this Kardashian lip product:( The concept is pretty cool though so hopefully, you find another one that doesn't fall apart.
    And yay for this TF products. I really want that palette now:D

    1. It definitely is a cool concept! And yes, the Too Faced palette is so fun to play around with. Definitely a fun one :)

  2. Sorry but I do not like the Kardashian and I will never buy something from them! :(

  3. So interesting! Here in Germany we do not have access to these Kardashian products so it is cool to learn more about the products!

    1. We have limited access to them where I live as well, so it is always exciting to stumble across something!

  4. Thank you for this great review. I have never used Kardashians products before and I do not think I will.

    Blog -
    YouTube –

    1. Some of their products (hair care in particular) are really wonderful. Sadly, this one just didn't pan out!

  5. Wonderful products, great review:)

  6. I'm not a fan of anything Kardashian, but at least you got to try it.
    have a great weekend,

    1. I like them! And yes, I was happy to try it out :)

  7. The double ended lipstick and lip liner is very tempting. <3

  8. Hi! I haven´t used Kardashian products yet, I would like to try them.
    Have a nice day!

    1. I hope you are able to! Have a wonderful weekend :)

  9. Looks amazing! :)

  10. I'm not a Kardashian fan but what a bargain for only three dollars!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. It was definitely a great deal! Hope you are doing well :)

  11. I've never heard about any of Kardashian Beauty product and if I have to choose I guess I'm more likely to choose Kylie Cosmetics.

  12. amazing post, as always honey! I really love your blog is great :)
    kisses from Poland :*


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