Saturday, December 8, 2018

three fabulous winter makeup looks

The holiday season is officially underway. That makes right now the perfect time to have fun and get creative with your winter makeup. Forget about traditional red lips or cat-eye liner. This is your opportunity to do something a little bit different. Whether you are heading to an holiday party, catching up with old friends, or spending time with loved ones....these fabulous winter looks will get you out of that makeup rut once and for all. 

 Flirty Winter Makeup Look: Ice Queen

The winter months are all about ice, snow, and slush. So, why not give your night out makeup a dash of wintery inspiration? Look through your makeup collection for winter worthy eyeshadow shades. Think light blue, navy, and white. Create a captivating ice queen look by applying a light blue shade all over the lid, blending the navy colour through the crease, and adding white to the inner corner of your eyes. For an extra splash of ice, choose an eyeshadow shadow with shimmer or layer on some silver glitter

Add on black eyeliner liner (or smudge a dark brown shadow for a smokier look) and some mascara. Choose a cool toned blush for the cheeks and finish it all off by dabbing a frosty white highlighter on the tops of the cheekbones. A bit of lip balm and your ice queen makeup will be complete. Remember, you can make this look as wearable or extreme as you like. Just remember to have fun with it!

Flirty Winter Makeup Look: Pretty In Pink

Okay, it’s cold outside. But you can always add a little warmth to your makeup look with the help of some well-placed beauty products. Just think pink! Use a pale pink eyeshadow all over the lid and blend it out with a medium brown shade. Skip the eyeliner or keep the line as simple as possible. To finish off the eyes, apply two thick coats of mascara.

Now for the most important part of this wintery look: the cheeks and lips. Look for a pink cheek and lip tint (Benefit’s Pose Tint is one great option) or apply an ultra pink blush to your cheeks and a soft pink lipstick to the lips.  Ideally you want the cheeks and lips to be close to the same shade. Why? The combination of the soft pink shade on the eyes and your pretty pink cheeks and lips will be totally unforgettable.

Flirty Winter Makeup Look: Grey Goddess

Still searching for a makeup look that will wow this season? Grey is the answer. This shade is ultra stylish come winter. Combine neutral grey eyeshadows with deeper shades for an ultra smokey look. Swipe a mid-toned grey all over the  lid and use a darker grey or black through the crease. For a more dramatic and flirty look, apply that mid-toned grey underneath your water line.

Add on a thick layer of liquid liner and some mascara. That will finish off the eyes! Now for the rest of the face. Choose a berry-toned blush that looks rich and luxurious. As for the lips, you can either go totally neutral or rock a deep plum lipstick. Once your grey inspired look is complete, you will be left with the perfect night out makeup. 

Why do the same old thing? Change up your makeup this season. Get inspired by the icy weather, add a little warmth to your style, or embrace an unforgettable shade. Whatever look you choose your makeup is sure to look amazing.

Which makeup look is your favourite? 


  1. Such beautiful color!! Love them!

    GoBestShops👗 | Shein Review
    Jewelry Blog 💍 | Sunflower Ring

    1. Yes, they are definitely pretty! Thank you for stopping by!

  2. They're all beautiful, my favourite one is the 2nd, Pretty in Pink ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. I love that one as well. It has been inspiring my makeup looks lately!

  3. I love the Pretty in Pink look! It’s definitely something I would wear. So beautiful!

    xo, Jessica Blantonh

  4. Beautiful makeup inspirtaions :) I like first the most.

    1. Frosty winter makeup is a must sometimes! Thank you for reading :)

  5. Wow this looks amazing!!

  6. The first one is amazing!

    (But I'd rather chose the third one ;-) )

    1. I hear you! Some days, a grey look is everything you need.


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