Tuesday, December 11, 2018

top 5 favourite holiday nail polishes + fun winter nail ideas

For the last couple of days, my nails have been bare. This is unusual for me. Many years ago, my work wouldn't allow any sort of nail polish whatsoever. So when that finally changed it was all nail polish all the time. To this day, it is rare that there is not some sort of colour on my nails. The reason for the bare nails? I am gearing up to create something special and holiday themed. In truth, I am searching for the perfect festive shade of green. But until I find it, I am making the most of the shades already in my collection. On that note, I wanted to share my current top five favourite holiday nail polishes.

As you can see from the picture above, each and every shade has that oh-so-special seasonal look. During this time of year, I love glitter, metallics, and of course, a good red. They just make your nails sparkle with all of that beautiful holiday magic. Without further ado, my top five favourite holiday nail polishes include:

  • Sally Hansen Miracle Gel in the shade Wine Stock. I love that first shade because it is warm and has a sophisticated look. It is ultra glossy and the Miracle Gel formula always lasts well. This is a great one for any and all special dinners or nights on the town.
  • Paris Hilton Nail Polish in Gold. This next polish came in a small set of Paris Hilton shades and I absolutely love it. That bright gold is ideal for Christmas and it has a beautiful metallic finish. Lots of sparkle, shine, and feel good vibes.
  • L'Oreal Paris Nail Color in 24 Carat. Here is another example of the silver and gold theme the holidays are known for. This is one nail polish that I reach for often. All it takes is one coat for flawless - and glitzy - nails. This can be worn alone but typically I use it as a sparkly accent shade.
  • Sinful Colors Sinful Shine in Kryptonite. Though I don't have a classic Christmas green in my collection currently (though I am working on it), a good runner up is this one from Sinful Colors. I love the shimmer and shine this polish has....and the bright bold green appearance. This is a great way to make a statement this holiday season. 
  • Paris Hilton Nail Polish in Bright Red. Yes, another Paris Hilton polish made the top five. The reason for this? Look at that bright beautiful red colour. It is the ultimate Christmas shade. This is fun, fabulous, and is the perfect compliment to all of those Christmas morning festivities. 
Editing Note: Since Paris Hilton has decided to publicly support an abusive man, her products will no longer be reviewed on Mansa Fashion. All previous reviews will remain, but no new content will be shared. 

Fun Winter Nail Ideas

You might have noticed that everyone is in full-blown holiday mode. You can visit themed Christmas markets, check out seasonal theater performances, or join the hoards of shoppers at the local shopping mall. There is certainly no shortage of things to see and do. Yes, this is a pretty magical time of year. Want to add to your holiday experience? Then get creative with nail art. These ideas will give you gorgeous winter inspired nails. Ones that will take you from holiday party to family gathering and back again.

Frosty Colour Blocking. You don’t have to be a nail art pro to get into the holiday spirit. And you don’t have to spend a small fortune getting your nails done at the salon either. Just keep it simple. Grab frosty winter shades like navy blue, light blue, white, and silver. Then create dazzling colour combinations. A few options? Paint all your nails in that light blue and paint your pinkie silver. Or alternate between all of those frosty winter shades. Play around with colour blocking techniques to create your very own winter inspired look. Your nails will make the ultimate statement.

Use Snowflake Nail Decals. There is a common misconception that the words nail art actually mean impossible to achieve. Not true! You just have to find simple ways to get the look you crave. Nail decals are a great alternative to hand painted designs, for instance. If you are skilled enough to paint small white snowflakes on your nails…great! Grab a white nail pen and get going. Alternatively you can use a white polish and a toothpick. A fabulous alternative is to pick up snowflake nail decals. These tend to be fairly inexpensive and can really amp up your look. Stick the decals to your nails as desired. Go over them with a clear topcoat to seal in the design.

Create a Winter Wonderland. This next winter nail idea is all about embracing the cold weather. Start by painting your nails all one colour. Then create lots and lots of snow! You can use the brush to make mini snowdrifts on your nails, a toothpick to create hanging icicles (use white, silver, or a light blue for this), and falling snow (just mix small dots with snowflakes). You can even attempt to paint your own pair of mittens or a cozy fireplace. The key is to go slow and remember that less is more. Feel like your skills won’t meet your vision? Then just add a little sparkle! Nothing represents fresh fallen snow quite like gorgeous glitter.

Make It Festive. Winter is often associated with Christmas and Hanukkah. Why not let your nail art show off that holiday spirit? Incorporate symbols of the season into your next look. A Christmas tree is surprisingly simple to achieve…. just make sure you let your nails dry thoroughly between each coat. You could also DIY a bell, a present, a wreath, or dreidel. Focus on the things that inspire you. Seasonal favourites are sure to jazz up your nail art in a fun and exciting way.

The last thing your nails should be is boring. So give them a dose of winter inspiration. From colours to designs, this is your chance to get creative. The best part? Your nails will look fabulous all season long.

Do you have a favourite holiday nail polish?


  1. Very beautiful ideas, and I love the green nail polish! I had one like that and it looks really beautiful ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

  2. ;)

    Adorei esses esmaltes!

    Ótima quarta!

    Beijo! ^^

  3. All such fab shades, Shannon:) That Paris Hilton red looks so awesome! And I love the idea of wearing snowflake decals. TBH, I don't use nail polish much anymore but I will never throw away my bin full of them:D My all-time fave, even during the holidays is OPI Lincoln Park After Dark:D

    1. Aww thank you! I'm actually wearing that Paris Hilton red polish now. I just love how festive the colour is. Ooh I googled that shade and it is perfect. I understand why you wouldn't want to get rid of your old polishes.

  4. the winter wonderland is a winner for me!! They are all such great ideas though

    1. I love that one as well! It's so perfect for this time of year.

  5. Replies
    1. Same! They are a great way to get creative. Thank you :)

  6. Great ideas :) I like Sally Hansen.

  7. I like nail polishes from Sally Hansen :)


    1. Me too! I've always had really good experiences with Sally Hansen polishes.

  8. Red is red <3


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