Friday, January 25, 2019

current obsession: paris hilton brush set

Though there are quite a few makeup brushes floating around in my collection....many of them are old and in need of replacement. However, it is always hard to move on from brushes. Especially ones that have served you faithfully for years and years. One thing that makes moving on from makeup brushes a little bit easier? New brush sets. A couple have entered my life over the last little while but the first one comes from Paris Hilton Cosmetics. I received this set for my birthday and have been using it non-stop since. Ready to take a peek inside the brush collection? Here goes....

Paris Hilton Cosmetics: 9 Piece Pro Brush Set 

As you can see from the picture above, this set comes with a rose gold metal tin. The tin itself features the Paris Hilton logo in the centre with a black lace design on the corners. It also included a small bottle of brush cleaner. (Want to know how it performs? You can read my review of the Paris Hilton Cosmetics Brush Cleaner in my recent beauty tools post.) Also included in this set:

  • Powder Brush
  • Blush Brush
  • Foundation Brush
  • Eyeliner Brush
  • Angled Eye/Brow Brush
  • Eyeshadow Brush
  • Brow Comb and Brush

This set definitely has all of the essentials. From eyes to brows to face products...everything you need is included. That alone makes this a wonderful gift (or addition to an existing collection). Out of all the brushes, I certainly have my favourites. The Eyeshadow Brush is fabulous because it has somewhat stiff and densely packed bristles, making it possible to really pack on colour or even apply loose glitters. Then there is the Eyeliner Brush. I love using this to create a really smokey and smudged out liner look. Dabbing on a bit of black shadow and running it over top of my liner creates a gorgeous and sultry look quickly and easily.

Those face brushes (Powder and Blush) have very soft bristles and rival the feel of the Too Faced brushes in my collection. Though I don't use traditional Foundation brushes all that often (I prefer a stippling brush) this is great for blending out concealer or packing on powder if you want to bake your under eye area. That is the wonderful thing....though each brush cleverly has its intended use printed on the side....there are many different ways to put each makeup brush to use. 

The Angled Eye/Brow Brush is in my opinion, more of an eye brush than a brow brush. This is because the bristles are quite thick and that can make precision a little more difficult. Unless you are using a brow powder to fill in rather than reshape, there are more precise brushes to consider. That being said? It works really well to define the crease and add a little intensity to the outer corner. The only brush in this set that didn't really wow me was the Brow Comb and Brush. Not because it isn't good but because I have a million of these things floating around. There is nothing overly special about this specific one and it seemed to be lower in quality when compared to the rest of the brushes. 

Overall, I was really impressed with this brush set. It had all the essentials, the brushes look sleek, the handles feel nice, the bristles are soft, and there were some unique elements to a few of the brushes as well. I've been using quite a few of these as part of my everyday makeup routine.

Have you tried Paris Hilton brushes? What are your favourite brushes to use?

Editing Note: Since Paris Hilton has decided to publicly support an abusive man, her products will no longer be reviewed on Mansa Fashion. All previous reviews will remain, but no new content will be shared. 


  1. Replies
    1. I'm really enjoying it! Thank you for stopping by :)

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, it definitely is. Thank you for your comment!

  3. Thanks for the beautiful post!
    Have a nice day)

  4. I used to be really obsessed with Paris back in the days, but then she kinda just disappeared from the scene... And now she's back with make up brushes, that's so cool!!!!



    1. Right? I'm so glad she's making a resurgence with her beauty lines!

  5. I haven't tried them but this set looks really nice! I love the Real Techniques ones ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. It is! And yes, I adore Real Techniques brushes as well. I have so many from them in my collection.

  6. The brushes look nice and the box looks so pretty too! Love this!

    The Flower Duet


  7. Amazing post!!! @luda.tischenko - instagram


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