Thursday, January 3, 2019

easy ways to beat the winter blues

The days are shorter and the temperatures are colder. That makes seasonal affective disorder or SAD – also known as the winter blues – a very real issue. What does it do? It can cause you to feel depressed, lonely, or out of sorts. This affects men and women all over the country and it happens every time the seasons change. Whether you are in the midst of the winter blues or just want to perk up a dreary season, you are in luck. These ideas will help you beat the winter blues once and for all.

Get Outside…Even If You Don’t Want To

The weather may be cold and the slush may be grey and unimpressive, but that doesn’t mean you should lock yourself inside. That can cause those feelings of isolation and depression to worsen. So, on a day that you are feeling low, get outside! Go for a walk around your neighbourhood. Wherever you live, there are plenty of incredible sights, sounds, and smells to enjoy. Strolling through a town or city can inspire you and show you all of the beauty winter has to offer. Your best bet? Go for a walk after a heavy snowfall. Everything will be covered in a thick layer of white…making it picture perfect. You can even take your camera along or snap a few pictures of all that natural beauty with your smart phone. 

Make Plans and Be Social

We have all done it. Cancelled plans during the winter months, that is. There are so many excuses not to be social. It’s cold outside. I don’t want to worry about getting home in the snow. I have to shovel the driveway/work in the morning/do anything but go out. Sound familiar? These excuses won’t do much to alleviate the winter blues. The solution is to make plans and spend time with people you care about. Grab coffee with a friend, go to a concert, or just have a long phone conversation. The whole idea is to talk to people and to be open to social experiences. It can make a big difference in the way you feel.

Look Like Your Best Self

Another common winter problem? Living in sweat pants, sweaters, and everything comfy. That is okay sometimes…. but every once and a while, put on your best. It’s amazing how quickly an outfit can change your mentality. You can go from grumpy and comfy to confident and poised in a single second. Your goal? At least one day a week, ditch the sweats for your favourite pair of jeans and a top that makes you feel like your best self. A boost inconfidence may be just what you need to shake those winter blues once and for all. While you’re at it, try smiling for no reason at all. Smiles are catching – and they can affect your attitude.

Another way to cheer yourself up? Watch something that makes you smile. For me, that is some footage that I shot a while back at the Bata Shoe Museum. If you are a shoe lover....check it out for yourself and let me know what you think.

The winter blues are real…but they don’t have to rule your life whenever the temperatures drop. This year, try making a few small changes in your behaviour. Get outside, be social, and focus on yourself. It can help you have fun each and every day this winter. 

How do you avoid the winter blues?


  1. The winter blues are definitely real, Shannon! I've been going out for a walk lately just to kinda avoid that funk. And love that vid! I've never been to the BSM! I love all those Manolos:D

    1. That is such a great idea! So glad you've been doing that. And it was my first time visiting the museum as well. It was so much fun!

  2. Great post. And this can come in handy even on ordinary days. Being outside and with other people is really therapeutic for us. Happy new year, carina!

    The Flower Duet

    1. Yes, absolutely! Being outside is definitely a good idea :)

  3. I love the post:)
    Have a nice day, dear!

  4. Great tips, Shannon, thank's for sharing!


  5. Very useful post dear. Kisses 😊

  6. Loved all your tips, and i agree with all of them!
    specially with the one of being social, sometimes loneliness is very hard!
    kisses :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. Thank you! So glad you found them helpful. And yes...sometimes being social (even if you aren't in the mood) can make such a big difference.

  7. It definitely helps to get outdoors and make the most of the daylight, and a winter sun holiday always helps! Great post! Angharad X

    1. It really does! I also have a sun lamp that is supposed to help as well....for days when the sun just isn't shining! Thank you :)

  8. I am a person who almost every day is smiling :) neither the temperature nor the season do not have much influence on my mood. However, I know that sometimes winter can be sad for others. However, it is worth to find positives in it, happy moments :) I do not like cold myself, but the winter needs to be experienced :) wonderful, very motivating post, wonderful!
    I greet warmly from snow polish :)

    1. Aww that is so wonderful! I love that you are such a happy person. Even when the weather is cold there is definitely something to be happy and positive about. Refocusing your mind can make all the difference. Thanks for that tip! :)

  9. These are great pieces of advice, especially the getting outside one! Thats my biggest downfall, since I hate the cold, but we neeeeed that fresh air and sunshine! -

    1. So glad you think so! And yes, I am the same with the cold. I want to stay inside but it's not a good idea to do that!

  10. Nice post @luda.tischenko - instagram


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