Thursday, January 17, 2019

my first charmed aroma experience (candle + accessory review)

I absolutely love burning candles. This is in part due to the many fabulous scents there are to choose from....and in part because I was never allowed to burn them when I lived with my parents. (They were afraid one of us kids would be absentminded enough to burn down the house!) When I moved out, it was candles, candles, and more candles. I am currently trying to work through the ones I have. However, a new addition recently made its way into my life. One of my friends gave me a beautiful candle from Charmed Aroma. Though I have used candles from many different brands over the years, this one had eluded me. Not long ago, I became memorized by a Charmed Aroma ad on Instagram and was this close to placing an order, but stopped myself. I needed to use up the candles I had before splurging on new ones! Lucky for me, my friend was able to read my mind somehow. She ordered the absolute perfect candle for me. So, on that note. Here it is: my very first Charmed Aroma experience.

Charmed Aroma Velvet Pom-Pom Candle (Review)

The candle I received is the Velvet Pom-Pom Candle from the Pink Ring Collection. Not only does it look gorgeous (more on that in a moment) but according to the website, it also benefits the National Breast Cancer Foundation. The fact that my friend gave me a gorgeous candle that is also helping others? Amazing. As you can see from the picture above, the packaging is perfection. It comes in a soft pink velvet container (which is actually a similar shade to my blog colour). There is a fluffy pink charm on top that can be removed and placed on a purse or left on for an extra dose of girly flair. It also includes a beautiful rose gold charm that says I Can and I Will. Everything about this is feminine and inspiring. I fell in love with the outside of the candle immediately.

As for the candle itself, it has a light romantic and floral scent. The fragrance is fairly powerful and fills the room with ease. (One of my pet peeves is a candle that doesn't actually smell like anything when you burn it.) Personally, I really enjoy that. If you are someone who likes a lighter or softer scent, this one may be a bit strong for you. But if you love a beautiful and bold will fall head over heels for the Velvet Pom-Pom candle.

Now for the really fun stuff. Part of the appeal of the Charmed Aroma candles is that there is a piece of jewellery stashed inside. (And I absolutely love beautiful jewellery.) As you burn the candle, you get closer and closer to that exciting little extra. Since I did not purchase this candle for myself, I had no clue what might be inside. Based on the packaging....I was hoping for something pink. Beyond that, I had no idea. According to the Charmed Aroma website, the vale of the item inside could be up to $5000. So, I kept burning the candle, eager to find out what prize awaited me. It took about six hours before I could see the shadow of that foil packaging lurking beneath the surface. Impatient, I grabbed a pair of tweezers and plunged them into the melted wax. Ta da! I messily pulled it out and set down the foil ball to cool down.

The ring inside was totally perfect for me. It definitely suits my style! It is simple, sparkly, and oh-so-pink. There is a large pink stone in the centre with small white stones surrounding it and covering the upper half of the band. After registering it online (the ring comes with a number so you can check its value on the Charmed Aroma website), I found that it's value was listed as $200. That being said, I am not sure how accurate the price value of each ring is. It is certainly beautiful, sparkly, and makes me happy...but $200? I think not.  However, this is one accessory I have been loving lately. It is beautiful and I love the message of hope, friendship, and inspiration it holds.

Overall, I was really happy with my first Charmed Aroma experience. The packaging of the actual candle is stunning, the extra details on top are fabulous, and I was so pleased with the sparkly pink ring inside. This was a wonderful item to receive and I am guessing it won't be my last time trying out a candle from this brand.

Speaking of things that smell latest YouTube video is up and it is a full review of the Paris Hilton fragrance, Rose Rush. Take a look and let me know what you think of the video - and the perfume, if you've tried it.

Have you ever tried Charmed Aroma candles? What was your experience like?


  1. Wow! I'm wordless!! Everything looks wonderful, I love It! *o* ♥
    hugs! xo

    1. It is definitely super cute! Thanks for visiting!

  2. Wow, it looks so pretty and the suede/velvet covered box is the sweetest!

    The Flower Duet

    1. Yes, I absolutely LOVE the cover. It is beautiful.

  3. Beatiful post Dear.
    I m flooding you now.❤❤

  4. The candle is gorgeous wow !!

  5. Wow, that candle is perfect from satin packaging to scent! I really like it!
    Blog -
    YouTube –

  6. What a beautiful packaging, would love to try and burn
    this candle :D kisses!!

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. I hope you are able to! It smells delicious and the packaging is fab!

  7. Amazing post and review! The perfume looks nice :)

    - Marina W

  8. I love scented candles! and I have never ever saw any accessories or jewelry stuffed aroma! looks very interesting!

    1. Yes, scented candles are always so relaxing. I love them!

  9. it has such a beautiful packaging and looks really lovely. x
    have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Totally agree. The packaging definitely makes this candle special.

  10. We liked the post. The initial candle is beautiful.


  11. beautiful photos, I really like that ring. This candle seems great.

    1. The ring is really pretty. Definitely a nice extra!

  12. I love candles too:) That's so cool that there's a nice surprise inside. That ring is pretty fab! Thanks for the great PH perfume review as well. I've never tried her scents before but I've been dying to especially that Gold Rush. And I can never go wrong with glitter and sparkle:D
    PS Love your makeup:)

    1. Yeah, I love that there is a surprise inside. So fun! Oh my gosh, the Paris Hilton perfumes are always so good. You can find Gold Rush at Winners and Marshalls a lot of the time, so keep your eyes peeled!

  13. Wow this looks amazing!!

  14. Nice post @luda.tischenko - instagram


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