Saturday, January 19, 2019

new beauty tools: paris hilton tweezers + brush cleaner

It may seem like there have been a lot of posts about Paris Hilton Cosmetics here lately. That's because there have been! Over the last several months, I've been given items from the line (for my birthday, Christmas, and just because) and have purchased items myself.  That means lots and lots of reviews are on the horizon. For the most part, I've reviewed Paris Hilton makeup products, like lip products and highlights. This time? It is all about beauty tools. Recently, I've been using the Paris Hilton tweezers and brush cleaner a lot. Are they good? Bad? In between? Here is everything you need to know about these affordable beauty tools.

Paris Hilton Cosmetics: 2 Piece Tweezer Collection 

Being honest? I have been using the same old pair of tweezers for years. Year and years! So it was certainly time for a new pair, but tweezer shopping wasn't high up on my list of priorities. Thankfully, the two piece set was given to me for my birthday this year. It came in the classic Paris Hilton Cosmetics packaging (with the gold and lace design) and included two different tweezer designs. The first is silver, has Paris Hilton printed on the side, and comes to a sharp point. This works best for very small or fine hairs. I've never had one in this style before so it has definitely made my life easier! The second pair of tweezers is rose gold, has Paris Hilton printed on the side, and has a more traditional angled shape. This is similar to the pair I had been using before so it was the perfect replacement. Overall, I was super impressed with the quality and styles. These work really well and have made my life a whole lot easier.

Paris Hilton Cosmetics: Daily Brush Cleanser 

On my list of beauty resolutions is to clean my makeup brushes more often. While I do my best.....having a regular cleaning schedule in place is a must. (I'm working on it, promise!) In the past, I have stuck to the same old brush cleaner from Quo. It works well and I've had no issues with it. That being said, it was nice to try out something different for a change. The Daily Brush Cleanser came in a beautiful blue bottle with a sparkly butterfly on the front. The cleanser itself is fairly standard (it cleans brushes, doesn't have a strong odor and works well) but the bottle certainly looks nicer on my beauty table! I am happy with this cleanser but don't think it is dramatically different from anything else on the market. 

Are you a fan of Paris Hilton Cosmetics? Have you tried either of these beauty tools?

Editing Note: Since Paris Hilton has decided to publicly support an abusive man, her products will no longer be reviewed on Mansa Fashion. All previous reviews will remain, but no new content will be shared. 


  1. These cosmetics look really interesting. I haven't known that Paris Hilton has her own brand.

    1. Yes, there are a lot of really great products in the line!

  2. Great products.
    I have heard about Paris Hilton but never used it.

    1. They are really good! And affordable, which is great.

  3. I haven't tried this brand but the set of tweezers look amazing, I use a pair from Primark that I have since a few years ago.. I should get a new ones!

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. They are so good! That Primark pair sounds fabulous :)

  4. I actually have never owned a product of this line. When it comes to cosmetics, I prefer Nordic ones that are adapted to our climate & uses natural ingredients :) Thank you for stopping by my blog, and leaving me such kind comments!

    E from Helsinki, Finland

  5. Nice post @luda.tischenko - instagram

  6. I haven't tried one yet but it looks great.

    1. It really is! Lots of great products from the line :)

  7. Replies
    1. Yes, they are definitely important to have on hand!

  8. I always loved Paris Hilton's products, used her perfume before. This makeup is nice and the packaging is lovely!

    The Flower Duet

    1. Oh yes, her perfumes are fabulous! Glad you are a fan as well :)


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